Any Drugs For Late Period? (Top voted first)


my girlfriend said that her period has delayed about 7 days.we fear pregnancy.please suggest a medicine name to solve our problem...

3 Replies

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If it's only been 7 days, then before she does anything else, she needs to take a pregnancy test to check and see if she is pregnant.

This soon, there are many reasons why it could be delayed, it could even just be due to her being stressed and worried about it.

Learn more Misoprostol details here.

If she is pregnant, then the most commonly used medication to terminate the pregnancy is Misoprostol, which is explained at the link I posted above, however, it does require a doctor's prescription in most countries.

In the future, I'd also suggest you get and use a reliable form of contraception to prevent such worries. If you are going to be sexually active, then being safe and responsible should also be part of it.

Learn more Contraceptive details here.

Has she done a test yet?

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i used cycotec on my wife when she is periods i intercorse with her sudden she stops bleeding after one day then she is feeling voumet then em use eycotec and no bleeding coming after using cycoctec .one yhing i tell u i used cycotec 1 time before when is used this periods come fastly but now em use this no periods come plzzzzzzz help me as soon as possible

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now its about 6 weeks done voumting my gf i used cycotec and no periodz coming so wht i do nw em very tensed plz guide me

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