Anger Caused By Mirtazapine
UpdatedI had previously worked as a police officer for just short of 3 decades, and the last 15 years of that was as an undercover narcotics investigator. I had not slept more than 4 hours in the last 20 years .
I absolutely knew something was very wrong with my body, constantly exhausted, very negative attitude, and i had bad aches and pains, its just goes on and on.
I retired and decided to sit down with a doctor and "lay it all out on the line, then let the chips fall where they may, no lies, nothing held back" I soon discovered something called a 96 hour commitment order,which i narrowly escaped by having to lie to keep from a locked down mental evaluation.
my problems are manifested from 10 years of assisting in many dead body removals while assisting ems, picking up body parts from the homeless that frequently were struck then dragged miles by trains, guns shot victims, infant death syndrome, mangled persons in auto accidents, taking of a life.....then came undercover narcotics, i thought a welcomed change, but i was living multiple personalities, depending upon the person the suspect knew me as. I wont go into the undercover part far, but it turned out much more trying than the first 10 years.
during employement some of these troubles didnt surface in me and i failed to see it in anyone else, turns out we must have been theraputical to each other, because upon retirement things surfaced in me but my police support was no longer there.
the doc. i seen after leaving police work prescribed me xanax and mirtazapine.
the xanax alone has a calming effect on me, the mirtazapine with or without the xanax makes me meaner than hell, to, well anyone. in my mind i know as im speaking i am going to make someone mad, and I JUST CANT HELP IT.
its a horrendous anger, not a pick up a club and hit you anger but a tyson type "physical bite your head off" anger and it not well controlled. good gosh I would like to be normal again
4 Replies
Medications such as Mirtazapine can cause that in some people for the first few weeks of taking them, but it usually improves, once your body adjusts to the medication.
If you've been skipping doses and not taking it regularly, then your body just hasn't had the chance to get used to it.
However, there are also others that you can try that may help you more and not cause such an issue. Have you consulted the doctor, again?
And thank you for your many years of service.
I agree with you 100%, I have taken myself off of 15mg Mirtazapine for the very reasons you state. Unfortunately my behavior became so erratic that now I am facing a custodial sentence without the help i needed. it's a real shame that I had not looked at these posts before accepting these anti depressants, At 50, I had not been in trouble before going onto SSRi's two and a half years ago, now the list is getting longer.
Mirtazapine makes me angry also. I have been on 30mg for 2 months and feel intense rage at the smallest of things.
I have lost a couple of kilos also which is fine but can't afford to lose much more as I am already on the skinny side. I know it's meant to make you put on weight, but for some reason, it has the opposite effect on me.
Re: Sunkissed (# 3)
My mother, who is 89, was recently started on Remeron to increase her appetite, which it has helped with. But, she has turned into a raging maniac, to the point where none of my siblings want to go help her anymore. She was hospitalized in Feb, and started on this med. Ever since, she has been the nastiest person ever. I initially thought perhaps she was experiencing the anger stage of grief (my father, her husband of 57 years, passed away unexpectedly in October). But - this behavior has just become insane and very hateful.
I guess after reading up on the med, I need to call her PCP tomorrow - I would like to wean her off to see if her behavior changes.
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