Andrex Capsule Function
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I use this capsule for low sperm motility. My question is that is it beneficial for the aforementioned problem?
20 Replies
Hi. I want to use Andrex but don't know how many I can take in 1 day?
Sir my sperm count is 95 million.and sperm motility is 20 percent and pus cells are 6-8 .plz recommend me medicine for enhancement of sperm motility?
Sir may sperm are 106 million.morality is 40% and puss cell are 5-7.what type of medicine I should use to increase motality and decrease puss
I'm a high b.p patient and want to know if I could use it? If so, please suggest an appropriate dosage & duration of treatment.
ashoganda 50 gm
kounch k beajj 50 gm
safeed mosili 50 gm
shetwarr 50 gm
Kise b pansari ki shop c mily jye gi try karo phely test karwa k 1 month use karni dood k sath subha nashtay ce phely ek chamch.
I have used andrex for the last 3 months with provesta ed and i was satisfied with my results. But when i stopped taking it I experienced ED. So can i start it again? If yes, then for how long. Plz help me.
Try using Andrex with Tribu Gin capsules two times a day with breakfast and dinner... You can also take Safeparm for depression with breakfast and hi-Cogent X capsules 30 mins before intimacy. This is the best cure in my opinion.
I am taking andrex 40mg. Can I use multivitamins tablet with andrex 40mg?
What are the positive results and outcome of the Andrex
Use the andrex it will increase the count add multivitamin like qarshi gingsing or you can use gingsing.
Andrex increase the sperm count and daily useage of one capsule with breakfast.
Hi could you please tell me how many do you take a day i have just got androx testosterone and noxer platinum edition but don't know how many of each one i take a day.
Yep you can use it twice daily with a capsule of evion
I have got married in 1996 my sperm count result is zero. Please advise a medicine thanks.
What is function of Andrex and where it is available in Islamabad? I need medicine which only enhance testosterone.
I want use andrex capsule my sperm count is low it can make more or not my sprem count is one milion
What is suggestions about libido pooverness means (in soft position) wishing made to hard perfect ?
Does Andrex work to increase libido???
i have no stemna and complete failed in intercourse, wife never satisfy for discharge from last 23 years iam 53 years old.
Hello, Hashim! How are you?
Andrex capsules contain Testosterone, which is the primary male hormone, it's not going to do anything to improve sperm motility and quality.
As a matter of fact, taking it when you don't need could be dangerous.
Has a doctor confirmed that you have a sperm motility problem? If so, what did they suggest you do to help?
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