An Oval White Pill Scored In The Center With The Lette B On One Side And L On The Other


a while oval pill scored in the middle. the letter B is on one side of the score and the letter L on the other side of the score. both letters are on the front side of the pill

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I am sorry, could you please double check the markings on the medication; I located a few different pills that all fit the description of white, oval, and B L with a score in the middle. If there is a number on the back of the pill I can certainly identify it for you.

Please post back so I can be of further assistance...

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I have a small white oval pill that is scored/wedged in the middle and has a captial E on the left and acapital L on the right. What is it?

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I'm trying to identify pills found in my sons car, there's two of them in a blister pack but unfortunately its been cut off a larger strip so I cant make out any names. I think it ends in ...zine. they're small white oblong pills with capital latters B on one half and L on the other and scored in the middle. the other side has the number 10 on it.

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