Amphetamine Er 20mg Suddenly Stopped Working
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Short history, when I was younger, I struggled so much with attentiveness, motivation, understanding, etc. My teacher thought it would be best if I stayed behind so they can better help me. I did stay back but I was not helped. Of course I did not know this atthe ttime. Couple of years later I'm still doing poorly and I did not know why. Some time later, I heard of adhd. And the similarities were spot on but, I was embarrassed to admit it and instead I wrote it off as me being lazy. After awhile I accepted it as my reality and completely convinced myself this is what it was. This made for years of agonizing school time. Barley passing and only advancing due to no child left behind. Afterwards, my life was filled with losing jobs and just messing everything up when the opportunity arose. I'm engaged at 24 with a 5 year old. I almost lost my fiance and we didn't know why. I decided enough was enough. I went to the doctor and described my symptoms. He asked me if I had a history of adhd in my family. I wasn't sure. He asked me if I get enough sleep. Telling him my schedule he said to sleep and see If anything changes. It didn't and I found out my father and sister both have adhd. My doctor put me on adderall XR starting at 10 mg. The generic I got was amphetamine ER. Then uped to 20. Which worked perfectly. So the first month was 10. It kinda worked the second month worked amazingly. So I didn't change it. Now I'm on the third month and it's gone. The focus, motivation, drive, and ability to understand and not mess up. Everything. I'm not sure if it is normal after 3 months. Any advice?
2 Replies
Hi rj I can relate, I'm 50 and this year I just started being treated for adhd I to had a hard time at school just getting by, the teachers said I had a learning disability I however knew that it was something else. It was hard and after school I made up my mind I was going to prove the school how wrong they were so right after school I started this job working with children with disabilities and there were times when I didn't think I was going to make it but the school is a really great place and I im starting my 31 years on the same job. This year the doctor started me on adderall but I take the generic amphetamine and I tried both and didn't see much difference so Im sticking to the generic for now I have found that what helps is having a Healthy diet everyday eating as well. Avoiding junk foods. What helped me is on my job I do a variety of things one being that I drive to the city and that really helps and even when I'm not working I go in the city on my days off and it helps me as well using the computer as well as the smart phone /tablets is another help I was married for a year and three months but it didn't work out we could never do anything together I so much wanted to do things but she just didn't have the health to do much so we seperated and then.
So if you can I say try the adderall you have to make sure that the doctor puts it on the script for adderall and not generic my insurance payed some I just had to pay 50.00 but I didn't see much of a difference so I went back to the generic and it is helping me. I can stay focused on things so much better. But keep in mind that everyone is different so you may have to try other medications that they have and you can do a lot of research on web MD and it really works to do the research as well on Google and there is a app you can get called doc zoc and put your insurance and were you live to help you find other doctors. Hope this helps let me know how you are doing. And I hope things work out with you and your family.
Hello RJ! How are you?
It is normal for some side effects to wear off, such as nervousness, insomnia, headache and lack of appetite, but it should still be working. Thus, if it's stopped, then it just might not be the right medication to help you and you may need to try something else.
This medication also carries the risk of being habit forming.
Not every medication works well for everyone that tries it, that's why there are usually several options available in any given therapeutic category. You should speak to your doctor about possibly trying something else.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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