Amitza And Methadone Interaction? (Top voted first)


I'm on Methadone Maintenance. Sometimes I get constipation, last month I had to go to the ER it was that bad. I had my doctor appointment today and told him. He knows I'm a Methadone patient and he gave me samples of Amitza. When I looked up the drug it said something about it hasn't been proven to work when the opioid is Methadone. My question is Anyone here on Methadone Maintenance? And have you tried the medication is it dangerous taking them together . I'm scared to take this until I know for sure

2 Replies

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Hello Patrice,

I have some good news for you. According to the National Institute of Health there are no known negative interractions between amitza and methadone. I visited the amitza web page in order to find some information regarding it's use with methadone and what they state "The effectiveness of AMITIZA has not been established if you are taking a diphenylheptane opioid (e.g., methadone)". What this means is that they have not done a controlled study in which they are able to determine how effective this drug is at relieving constipation in patients who are taking methadone. More or less this means there is just no guarantee to work on patients who are suffering from constipation due to methadone.

Long story short this medication is safe for you to take but since they have no clinical studies to prove it will work for your situation since your constipation is caused by methadone.

I hope this information helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much Kevin. Good news, the medication worked. Now hopefully my Insurance will pay since its a fairly new medication. I did see that the dose for opoid dependant people is higher than for people with other conditions. I'm just so happy it worked. I don't ever want to go back to the ER again. It was painful and humiliating. The whole floor, doctors, RN's PA's and everyone in between kept coming by. They were like my cheerleaders.. Thanks again Kevin

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