Amitriptyline Withdrawal
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Hello. I was prescribed amitriptyline 25mg for chronic migraines two years ago. I am trying to wean myself off it now and am finding the withdrawal symptoms awful. Palpitations are the worst. My doctor prescribed a beta blocker last week but I still feel very anxious, slightly depressed and my heartbeat is still a bit out of sync. Is anyone able to help me with some advice as to how to get through this. I halved the tablets about two weeks ago. At first I felt fine then some symptoms starting popping up.

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Hello, Verwon. Thank you for your message. I am still taking 10mg and still need the beta blockers although I am only taking when needed. I have had a headache for 2 days and am hoping it won't turn into a migraine! I guess I just have to tough it out.
Thanks, Alison

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Hi, Alison! I'm very sorry about what you're going through.

This can happen anytime you've been on a medication for a long period of time and try to stop taking it.

I did stop one cold turkey after being on it for years and it took about 6 weeks or so for the worst of the withdrawal and rebound effects to wear off.

Have things eased up at all, yet?

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