Ambrolex Od



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This medication contains the active ingredient Ambroxol HCl, and is used for acute and chronic disorders of the respiratory tract associated with pathologically thickened mucus and impaired mucus transport.

Dose regimen recommended depends on the severity of the disease.

Recommended dose for children is 1.2-1.6 mg/kg/day. The dose is best taken after meals. The infant drops may be diluted with milk, juice or water.

Capsule: Adults and Children >12 years: 1 cap once a day preferably to be taken in the evening.

Tablet: Adults and Children >12 years: 1 tab 3 times daily.

Syrup (30 mg/5 mL): (Double-strength syrup is for initial treatment; the dosage may be halved after 14 days).
Adults and Children >12 years: 1 tsp (5 mL) 3 times daily.
Children 6-12 years: 1 tsp (5 mL) 2-3 times daily;
2-6 years: ½ tsp (2.5 mL) 3 times daily;
1-2 years: ½ tsp (2.5 mL) 2 times daily.

Pediatric Syrup (15 mg/5 mL):
Children 6-12 years: 1 tsp (5 mL) 2-3 times daily;
2-6 years: ½ tsp (2.5 mL) 3 times daily;
1-2 years: ½ tsp (2.5 mL) 2 times daily.

Infant Drops:
Children 13-24 months: 1 mL twice daily;
7-12 months: 0.75 mL twice daily;
<6 months: 0.5 mL twice daily.

Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

Reference: http:/­/­­Page.aspx?menuid=mng&name=Ambrolex+tab&brief=false&CTRY=PH

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is it safe to take ambroxol hcl for throat infection during pregnancy?

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ambrolex 7.5mg/ml oral drops. i need the right dosage for this. my baby is 5 months, 8 kls. in weight. i ned it asap. thank you

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My 9 mos.old daughter had colds three days ago!i gave her disudrin drops!and now she has cough also!and from the day it started it has a phlegm sound already!and evrytime she sneeze the clear sipon goes out!and she had a hard time everytime she coughs!

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I have a daughter of 5 months 7.3kl timbang nia pinacheck up ko sya nung nov 27th kc may ubo cpon niresetahan sya ng ambroxol 0.6 3x a day pero Hindi ko nakompleto minsan 2 days ko LNG sya napapainom. tpos nag follow up kmi DEC 1 niresetahan prn sya ng ambroxol 0.3 twice a day OK LNG b un alam ko kse ambroxol is for 5 days LNG.

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Hi. Can my daughter still use the ambroxol/ambrolex if it was opened 2 weeks ago?

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