Alprazolam 0 25 Mg Side Effects Only Bed Time
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sir, i am taking only one 0.25 per day bed time only. If i am not taking this tablet my total sleeping is disturbed and next day i am totally to can"t do the any work mind free. but my question is what is the side effect for this medicine. I am taking this medicine last ten years continuously. i am starting with 1 mg step by step decressed this level. but i am taking some time 0.25 taking fifty percent of the tablet but i am not getting peaceful sleeping. So please how can i stopped this medicine and give me alternative medicine suggest to me. i am doing yoga also. my average walking steps above 10000 (average 7.5 km per day)

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I dislike taking pills but just wanted bto no thrs nothing to be afraid of will i feel way much better taking this......

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If you are down to .25 the potential for withdrawal is not much of a concern. Also due to this low dosage you probably wont deal with the addiction aspect. However I started on .25 25 years ago and it has got the best of me as I was warned those 25 years ago. Xanax is not a traditional sleep medicine and there might be something better for you. Also herbal medicine(s) can be considered and Benadryl is a good sleep aid

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As reported by the U.S. FDA this medication does carry the risk of being habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, mood swings, and irritability.

It is best to stop it with your doctor's assistance via a very slow taper, because stopping it too fast may create the risk of seizures.

As to an alternative medication, I am not sure what else is available to you. What other medications have you tried?

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