Allergy To Lisinopril
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I have been on Lisinopril for 6 months. I told my doctor I am allergic as I broke out in a serious rash. A dermotologist gave me Bethamensone to put on rash and I broke out in a chronic rash. A new dermotologist gave me Cephelexin and Muroprocin (both ate me alive). I then was placed on Prednisone (30 pills). I feel better but notice that I still have spots of rashes here and there. I'm looking for a new HBP medicine. I was suggested Benicar. Any help?
3 Replies
I have been on lisinopril for six months, and I've had a horrible rash. The doctors have been trying to figure out what's wrong. They put me on a steroid, then an antibiotic, and I've gone through three different fungal medications. Finally I realized the common factor in the rash is the blood pressure medication. I also got a horrible burn-like breakout on the inside of my mouth, three times since I've been taking it. The rash has been the worst though. The place on my ankle has grown, steadily, and the skin flakes off and is horribly painful. I've stopped taking the medication entirely, and have an appointment next week to change blood pressure medications. I know there are many other options to treat high blood pressure. This has been a horrible ordeal.
Unfortunately, coughing and headaches are normal side effects of most blood pressure medications. It will be a matter of trial and error to find one that doesn't make you miserable.
Please speak to your doctor so you can explore your other treatment options.
Does anyone else have experience using this medication?
After being on Lisinopril for 4 months I had enough. The coughing and sharp pain in my head no more. Its not worth taking a med that makes you feel so bad there are other meds to take in replacement of Lisinopril.
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