Allergy To Prednison?


The Doctor prescribe to my wife Prednisone 20 mg per day, for backeacke She taken 2 in the morning and after taking another one 20 mg next morning rashes apear on both arms above the anckle. Red patch with a large clear fluid buble in the middle. We went to Emergency at St. Peters Hospital, in New Brunswick, NJ. Doctors didn't figure up what is the problem. My wife ask to get pictures of the arms and send to here PCP. The PCP sugested to use bactracin cream. After didn't help, consulted a dermatologist, who
suggested to stop the topical cream, and the bubles dried out. I have to add in here
myb wife is a 10 years cancer surviver, and after several chemotherapy, she is alergic to nyomicin, cortison cream, iodine, and and one chemotherapy medicine.
However, after 3 days of a bit better, the rashes started again. She went to the PCP again, he prescribed Clorobetasol, another steroid. Botom line, I'm in central NJ, not in some wilderness, and lost my trust on doctors.

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