Alcachofa 500 Mg And Adelseril Sibutramina 15 Mg (Page 2)


Just want to know what These are and how they are used for weight loss

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Paige where do you get your supply and for how much I live in Mercedes TX

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Hello, I am taking Demograss to loose weight and am experiencing muscle aches and headaches... does anyone know why? Thanks

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I've never heard of Demograss. When I googled it, I saw that it can cause muscle aches, but I didn't see any info about what the ingredients are.
I get my Alcachofa from Costco in Mexicali, Mx. It is not available from them online. I pay $24 for 30 ampoules. To buy them in town, they charge $20 for 10. I was told that they are selling 10 amps in Los Angeles for $50. If you live anywhere near the Mexican border and there is a Costco there, you can get them with your US Costco card. Getting ahold of them is the worst part of taking them! I don't drive over there, so I have to rely on others. There is a website online and Amazon sells them, but they are at the $20 for 10 price. You could order them and try taking them every other day. The pills are cheaper, but I don't know if they are as good. I am down to my last 35, so I am going to take them every other day and start phasing them out because I am content with my weight (137). I also use the skin cream. My friends drink the tea.

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Here is the online website. If you scroll down on each product, you will see the information in English. It is important to note that the tea contains senna which cause diarrhea.

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i think the liquid ones are alot better i took the ampoles and i lost 22 pounds in 2 months . you can buy these in any Mexican meat market .. like Michoacanas. now im taking Clenbuterol to loose weight . and they work miracles.

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My sister in law used alcachofa and she lost 25 pounds in 2 months so i started using it too and i took one liquid alcachofa once a day for 10 days and i lost 7 pounds, i stoped using them because i was scared of any side effects but i didnt get anything so now i bought me the liquid the pill and the patch i want lose 30 pounds i weight 173 and want to weight 143 i will keep you guys update it about my progress, i am like many people really hard to losse weigth but i really need to i am still young to i want to feel good and look good too.

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Hi guys i recently let you know that i was starting with the alcachofa so i only used the patch and the pills and back on 7/30 i weight 173. Now i on 8/4/10 i weight my self last night and i weight 168.. I am so exacted i am really looking foward to reach my goal, i am not dieting or not working out at all, i notice that the alcachofa reduses my appetite..

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Thanks for the info. Paige.

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Hi Huys i am back i weight my self August 9 and i weight 163, I am so excated this sftuff in really working for me,,,,

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wow Maria 10 pounds is great!!! i told you that they do really work . all you have to do is have faith in yourself!!!! that is great!!

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Hi Maria besides tha alcachofas are you doing a special diet and what time do you take them ... i have been taking them for 1 1/2 and see no results

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I bought the alcachofa pills 500 Mg does anyone know if they really work?

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My friends tell me that the pills do work. I prefer the ampoules because I choke on pills too easily. Both help reduce your appetite. You do have to eat less to lose weight, so it is good to follow a plan. I think that the people who don't lose weight on them have lifestyles that make it hard to cut back on food. For example, people who go out and eat and drink with friends a lot.

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Okay well I started the Alcachofas again and working out 30 minutes a day and have so far lost 4 pounds in 3 days I will keep you guys posted I started Monday weight 186 wednesday weight 182

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I started Alcachofa on Monday but don't know what to expect. I am drinking the one ampule a day and just drink more water, but not that it would be a record or something and really just don't feel any different. I am not going to the restroom more or less than what I used to except for the drinking water part. What exactly is it supposed to do?

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Well I have notice alot more thirst and not alot of appetite I have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. This will be week 3 for me so lets see.

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is alcachofa bad if u drink beer? or can you just not take on the day your goin to drink?

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does alcachofa contain sibutramine?

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Where is the best and cheapest place to get alcachofa with fennel and the subutramina. let me know.

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Alcachofavida does not contain sibutramine in its listed ingredients. Alcohol should not interact with it either. Beer will interact with your weight loss! This weekend, at Costco in Mexico, they are putting all of their Alcachofavida at 25% off. I think that they might be getting in the new and improved plastic vials. They will be much easier to handle than glass vials.

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