Alaxan Fr And Bioflu.
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Is it safe to drink at the same time?

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How many hour frin taking alaxan then I change to bioflu

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Hi good day can I take two medicines a day for 6 hours laxan FR and Bioflu thank you very much doc

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

4pm kahapon ininom ko bioflu tapos naun 4 pm din uminom ako alaxan masama po ba un

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Which over the counter pain relievers and flu busters will be safer to take for people with Mumps who also had coughing spells currently taking Ambroxol? Thank you!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message
i drink bioflu and alaxan then at the morning i have allergies on my face

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Hi I'm Maricela. Plz help im 9days delayed. What is effective medicine

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Can 2 pcs bioflu taken at the same time cause miscarriage?

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Can Bioflu & Nafarin A be taken at the same time? For my headache,flu / cold

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Hi Jerlit, fact of the matter is Paracetamol (which is the main ingredient for both medicines) is generally safe even to pregnant women - Bioflu contains 500mg of it while Alaxan contains 325mg. Other ingredients are Phenylephrine HCl and chlorphenamine maleate (for Bioflu) and Ibuprofen (for Alaxan). Suggested intake are every 6 hours for pain, fever (Alaxan) and flu-like symptoms (for Bioflu).

I don't know why you would want to take them both but what I can tell you is that doctor's will tell you that it's okay. Specially when you take it at the prescribed 6-hour period. It's not going to poison your body.

However, I would suggest that you check with you doctor about this - and remember, anything taken in excessive amounts is bad - even coffee.

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Hello, Jerlit! How are you?

No, it is not! They both are listed as containing Paracetamol and taking too much of it in a day or in any 8 hour period can result in overdose toxicity, which may be fatal.

If you have a cold or flu, the BioFlu should be enough to help, if your doctor approves of your taking. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and stomach pain.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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