Addiction Of Spasmo Proxyvon And Treatments (Page 8)


I need treatment for managing an addiction of Spasmo Proxyvon

147 Replies (8 Pages)

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I want to quit spasmo proxyvon but am finding it very hard to cuz I used to consume about 30 caps per day. Nevertheless, I wanna get rid of this addiction for the sake of my daughter who is just 3 years old.

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Re: Suraj Bhan (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

I need ur help. I'm also suffering from this disease... I've been taking sp for the last 2 years.

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Re: Aliya (# 139) Expand Referenced Message

{edited for privacy}. I was also addicted to spasmo proxyvon but now I'm absolutely fine.

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Re: Experienced1 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I need your help coming off of spasmo proxyvon as I desperately want to get rid of this addiction. Thank you for any help!

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How can I quit spasmoproxvyon without going to doctor

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Hi I'm Ravi 41 yrs sugar patient adicd of spasmoproxyvan dose was 8×4 per day but now I have totally leave it and facing prob in sleeping my attitude like a mental in night only after taking 3 pills of alprox 50 mg I get sleep at 3 o in morning.

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Re: Suraj Bhan (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

My wife has been taking Spasmo Proxyvon for the past year. Please help me figure out how to safely wean my wife off of this medication.

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