Adderrall Withdrawal (Top voted first)


Does anyone have a solution to adderrall withdrawal? OTC behind the pharmacy counter meds? Anything? Long story short the 20 mg weren't working and I ran out a week early. The depression and fatigue are horrible. Anyone have a solution to this?

2 Replies

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It helps if you can sleep because your body is adjusting to the medication not being in your system. Sometimes it helps to drink some coffee, but it doesn't help much. Do Not drink too much coffee. This is Not a situation where more is better.

You do need to discuss the Adderall not working with your dr.

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Hi Stephen,

Sorry to hear about your situation. BL's advice is spot on!

I just wanted to add a variety of other suggestions outside of coffee that may be worth looking into:

*The caffeine contained in tea has more of what I would call a slow release effect and may be a more heart healthy alternative if you're sensitive to the type of rush that coffee provides.

*Cacao (theobromine) is another type of stimulant, but I believe it should also be used conservatively in a similar manner as coffee.

*Panax Ginseng extract ("Ginst-15 Metabolized Ginseng" in particular, is one brand that I enjoy using for mental clarity and balanced energy)

*Various other adaptogens (such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola rosea, and Schisandra berry) reportedly have beneficial effects on the mind and physical stamina.

*D-ribose is also said to be an excellent option for chronic fatigue.

Lastly, a healthy diet with minimal/no processed foods is largely underrated in my opinion and can make a remarkable difference in one's overall feeling of well-being, whether you're seeking relief from depression, fatigue, etc.... I should note that at a time when I was experiencing severe seasonal depression and chronic fatigue living in Portland, juicing fresh fruit/veggies is the only thing that had lifted both conditions almost instantaneously.

I hope this helps!

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