Adderrall Corepharma Side Efffects


I have had ADHD all my life, and without thinking about 12 days ago went into Rite Aide and forgot to tell the pharmacist no Core, because I have tried one of my friend's in the past and didn't work when I had no insurance and no meds...since Adderral is so expensive I had no choice, but hey it didn't even work anyway. So, low and behold I get all the way out of the Pharmacy and boom its a script full of CorePharma. Is anyone else having hypersomnia, weakness, extreme fatigue, pounding headaches, dizziness, and irritability? I don't want to sound like a nut when I call my doctor to write a new script. I mean I am loosing time at work and falling asleep in class. It seriously sucks balls. I normally take either Brand 30 mg XR with Teva 10mg IR, now this month I have Teva 30 mg XR and Core (s***) Pharma 10 mg IR and I'm passing out and oversleeping and this just sucks... And while we are on the topic is anyone else experiencing the Pharmacy shortage in PA, literally I have to call 15 pharmacies to find my meds.?

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The first thing you need to know is that you're not likely getting accurate honest answers, when calling the pharmacies. They have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate patient with a need, or a potential thief, so they will usually just say that they don't carry it, because this is a medication that can be habit forming and is very commonly abused. The only way to make sure you get an accurate answer is by physically going to the pharmacy with your prescription in hand.

On the other subject, it seems off that it would have that much of a difference to cause such significant issues. Have you informed your doctor, yet?

Side effects to this medication may include nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

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Be VERY careful about taking the wrong brand of Adderall. I made this mistake and I lost my job because of it.

We people with ADHD who take this drug KNOW by now that the various brands are nowhere near the same.

The various brands of Adderall are basically entirely different drugs with completely different effectss, and the fact that they get substituted without notice is a shameful abuse of a very vulnerable population.

The apologists can keep going on about how the various brands are "equivalent", but we know full well that that's not the case; the cat's out of the bag.

And if it's true what they say, that the "inactive" ingredients are the cause of these huge differences, then those ingredients aren't "inactive" at all, are they? Think about it. If they were inactive, they wouldn't affect how the drug worked. If they're affecting it, then they're NOT "inactive" in any plain, no-nonsense sense of the word. Last time I checked, "inactive" meant INACTIVE. Seems like we have some doublespeak going on these days.

Teva is the "cleanest" generic Adderall (in my personal experience--YMMV) with the fewest side effects. If I couldn't get Teva I wouldn't dream of taking any of the other stuff they try to foist on us.

The shortage is nationwide and it's really affecting a lot of people. But in my personal opinion it's better to take nothing at all than to take junk pills that make ADHD worse. I suggest you talk to your doctor ASAP about this issue.

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What part of PA are you from? I am from Wilkes Barre (nepa). If you are anywhere near that I may have a few suggestions.

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