Adderall Changes (Top voted first)


i have noticed the changes in all adderall..whether talking ir or xr, adderall brand names or other manufacturers (sandox ect) not at all the same effects

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vern...i have found none to be satisfactory since the original adderall ir and the xr changed formulations. this is documented fact now, although kept quite undercover for a long time. some very persistant people uncovered the whole patent transferring and other events that took place between manufacturers at the time that it became legal to sell the adderall name. it is to detailed to go into here, but there has been somewhat of a bait and switch that no small number of us are very unhappy about.
trying all the originals over again after changes as well as other manufactures, i find the sandoz to be as good as can probably be expected. only makes ir.
i have suffered for years with severe innattentive, and found perfect relief with adderall xr. just such a let down.
been going to psychiatrist for some time..want to see about getting desoxyn.

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Well. there can be some variations from one manufacturer to the other, in both the active and inactive ingredients.

When you know which one works for you, you should keep track of who manufactured it and go back to the same pharmacy you got it from. Or, if they switch, call around to see if another has it or request that they order it in for you.

What manufacturer have you found to work best?


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In our area (KY) the preferred generic "brand" or manufacturer was Barr. In the 20 mg dose this was an orange oval tablet. We had good results with both our adult patients and our adolescents with this (we had many complaints about the extended release, or XR). However, yesterday, we were told first that Barr was "backordered" and then later we were that there is now only one manufacturer of the generic, and the price has quadrupled (consider that previously the generic was about $50-80), It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Was told several months ago the FDA had given (without consumer knowledge, apparently) manufacturers of generic drugs a 15% less or more of the active ingredient. That is what I know for now. I am continually trying to find out more about what is happening with adderall.

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