Adderall 10mg Savings (Top voted first)


I recently lost my job and insurance all the extra cards I find are only lowering cost from 131 to 93 @ my local Safeway even walmart wants 125 anyone have suggestions on better deals single mon two kids and I've been out for a week already and really need my rx I make 16.70 to much in child support to qualify for the Medicaid program plz help

3 Replies

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I'm not a Mom but I'm without insurance and in the same boat! But my state has a prescription card that my CVS runs for me and my total is usually $45.00. I'd call them and ask if your state provides a similar card. I take 30mg Adderall, 60 a, yours should be sustantially lower. Good luck! ;)

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Thank you. Do you just call your local health dhs office or is there some place in particular you call?

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Have you aslo tried using the savings card here on MedsChat at: Rx Savings Card

It says it can help save you anywhere from 15 to 75% off your prescription. But I don't know if certain pharmacies allow greater discounts than others or how they determine what percentage it is that you end up saving overall. So it could be something you may just have to keep trying at different locations until you strike gold, from what I understand. That's my theory anyways.

At any rate, I hope this info helps and wish you good luck in finding the right deal!

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