Adco Metronida And Pregnancy
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Hi,I took adco metronida tablet for infection. Prescribed to me by d doctor. I took it last week, this week I realise I am pregnant. Now will this drug have any effect on my pregnancy? I am worried. As I don't want any birth defect.

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i,I took adco metronida tablet for infection. Prescribed to me by d doctor. I took it last week, this week I realise I am pregnant. Now will this drug have any effect on my pregnancy? I am worried. As I don't want any birth defect

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Hello, Bee! How are you?

No, it hasn't been shown to cause harm during pregnancy, from what I've found.

Marie, I would suggest checking that with your doctor, before taking it, because this medication has been known to cause seizures in some people, as a side effect.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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