Adco Alzam (not Feeling Well!) (Top voted first)


Hello there, I have been taking 0,25mg of alzam each day for the past 2 years. I have now weened myself of them.(I have not taken any now for the past month).However, now I am feeling tired and burnt out.My joints are aching. I feel disorientated, light headed and giddy.I am also experiencing some slight cramping in my muscles.At times I feel panic stuck and feel that I may die.PLEASE can you give me some advice?
Rodney Brown.

2 Replies

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The active ingredient in this is Alprazolam, a potent Benzodiazepine.

That said, after having been on it for 2 years, everything you are experiencing is possibly from the withdrawal effects.

That said, this site is not medical professionals, so you should consult a doctor to be certain that is all that is causing your problem, because such symptoms could also be caused by other illnesses.

Have you seen your doctor, yet?


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I speak only from experience and know that this is withdrawal symptoms Please ask your Dr to give you something for these symptoms Ask about Dexarit

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