Adams 600 Information
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I found this in my medicine cabinet and I have no idea what it is...
12 Replies
I found this pill it is long round yellow on one side and white on the other and had Adams on one side and 600 on the other, what is this pill
I need information regarding this pill that I found in my elderly mothers cupboard.
It is a rather large, all white, oval pill with the word Adams underlined on one side and 600 printed on the other side.
THANKYOU for any information regarding this.
susan knight
PAC 20
This is Famotidine 20mgs, a generic for Pepcid AC, it is used to reduce stomach acid.
This is the strength you can buy over the counter.
Here's an info page with an image:
Famotidine Click Here
93 3109 Capsule
Pill Image
This is Amoxicillin 500mgs, an antibiotic.
Very welcome Warren! Glad I could help!
I found these pills in my medicine cabinet and do not know what they are. It is a white pill, rounded on three sides, straight on fourth side and contains the numbers PAC20.
I found this pill in my medicine cabinet and do not know what it is. It is a yellow capsule with the numbers 93 3109 on both sides of the capsule
The Lilly 500 is Penicillin VK 500mgs.
Biocraft 01 is Amoxicillin 250mgs.
Serax 10 is Serax 10mgs, Oxazepam, this is a Benzodiazepine, similar to Xanax or Valium.
Pill Image
Librax Roche is Librax, Chlordiazepoxide 5mgs and Clidinium 2.5mgs. This is used to relax your stomach and bowel, to reduce spasms and help reducse the amount of stomach acid produced. This is commonly used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Peptic Ulcerations.
Taking care of 81 year old mother found 4 pills I would like info. Yellow pill oval shape-v-cillink 500 lilly. Brown@white capsul - Biocraft 01. Pink@white capsul serax 10. Green capsul-librax roche. Any help appreciated.
Pill Image
This is Mucinex DM Extended Release, the ones your purchase over the counter, 30mgs of Dextromethorphan and 600mgs of Guaifenesin. A decongestant.
Can someone please tell me what this pill is for its white on one side and yellow on the other and it says 600 on white side and adams on the yellow side?
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