Actavis Generic Oxycodone Acetameniphen (Top voted first)
Updatedi guess it was actavis that acquired Watson - anyway. the name of actavis president is Paul Bisaro - they are becoming global; maybe they are making this stuff in India, who knows?
3 Replies
That's the scary part.....who knows where it's being made! The quality is suppose to be according to US standards but this is the second pain med, that I know of, in less than 2 years from them that has been terrible. Horrible side effects and no pain relief! Is this how they are fighting the war on drugs? Do they think everyone will just stop taking meds and live with the pain and suddenly the drug scene will be obsolete? Freaking irresponsible bas*****! No, I don't think so......I think they will find one of 2 things increase in suicides or H use! There has already been an increase in H use due to the crackdown of seems they want everyone to pay the price for drug addicts and drug dealers! Do they not know that most people would choose NOT to take these meds if they really had a choice? It's sickening and maddening!
Actually Watson purchased Actavis to get the overseas manufacturing sites and changed their name to Actavis because the Actavis name has greater recognition overseas. They are closing down or selling some of the US plants. They moved their headquarters to Zug Switzerland to save on taxes. You are probably right about the product being made overseas.
What's more is that FDA approved manufacturer's like Actavis who move overseas are taking potential jobs away from US residents. The foreign countries such as India could probably care less about the quality of their American products since Actavis distributes within the US and not necessarily where their processing plants are located. I'd imagine that if more humane-conscious workers from the US "infiltrated" positions at Actavis, some policies and formulations would begin to undergo changes sooner than later. Keeping things the way they are though, will only render their products useless and take away customers/patients/profits the longer they try to maintain this madness.
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