About To Take My First Shower With Fentanyl Patch - Help Friends! I'm Afraid, Suggestions Anyone???
UpdatedI'm new on 100 Fentanyl patches for the second day - feel OK, I've been on opioids for pain management for few years, read a lot of scary posts on misuse and deaths... I am so worried at this point, that taking a shower scares me.. Can anyone suggest any "coverage" for the patch area, while in a shower??? I don't think I can just "take a shower as is", it will come off, I'm sure... I like the patch, it does work (I intend to use it EXACTLY as prescribed), but I am, as mentioned before, simply paranoid that I will get the patch wet, damaged, etc... Also, I read a "hot showers are a BIG NOs" - anyone tell me more about it??? Please friends, I need a shower badly, it's not fair to others and members of my family, the girl needs her hair done! :) Thank you in advance!
16 Replies
What brand of. Patch do you wear? You can possibly cover it with something. Don't be afraid to taje a shower, it woukd take concentrated continual high heat to make your patch release a large amount of medicine. Wear your patches somewhere that isn't goibg to be pelted by the hot shower. Taking ling hot baths is another story, just remove the patch and reapply if you intend to bathe this way. I am gkad you ate getting good pain reluef from the patch. No worries soon you will see it's not too scary at all. You are obviously opiate tolerant or your Dr. Would not have prescribed! it. Just follow directions and make very sure that you dispose if the patch as the directions say to. Happy showering!!
Thank you so much for responding - it's a FENTANYL TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM 100 mcg/h patches, clear. I read a lot about people complaining how the patch doesn't stay on, etc., mine was fine, but I could see how its an issue... I am showered! LOL! Thank you again, please send any new info and/or suggestions my way, if you can. This new friend of mine FENTANYL is VERY STRONG, for sure. I realized it quickly myself, when the pain I suffer from for so long, started to fade away.... Unbelievable!!! I RESPECT Fentalnyl - no joke. It's a FORCE!
Yes ma'am, it us literally a lifesaver for people with severe pain. You will realize that a majority of people who respond in the Fentanyl section, or when it is mentioned are people with no experience whatsoever with it personally. Just keep in mind, many more people treat it with responsibility and respect. There is a real stigma attached for some reason, even in the medical community. People seem to be angry and will comment frequently " That's for cancer patients!! Why are YOU on this??!". Just a lit of misinformation and people try to stigmatize it. No ethical physician would EVER prescribe this drug, especially in this dose without CONCRETE EVIDENCE AND TRIALS OF OThER OPIATES and drugs to attempt to control the pain. When I reached the 100 mcg patch I was drowsy a bit but acclimated to it pretty quickly. Just know your limits when changing dosages. I have maintained on 100 without adding new breakthrough meds, and it has been sufficient for my pain for 6 +years. Don't feel guilty that you have found something to control your oain and still have a quality if life that sime people never even think about. It definitely alliwed me to feek " normal" and laugh, smile and be a contributing member of society. My family was sick.with worry about me and my seriously life threatening issues. My Doctor gave us all hope, and their mother,sister,daughter,friend etc. Back. All the best anything you might want to ask or know privateky feel free to contact me. I have pretty thick skin, and have nit posted much because " some" people attack freely anything not agreeable to their ideas. I think more people are helped who say nothing in fear .When we post out in the open like this forum is for. Very happy you found something ANYTHING to help your pain. Smile!
thank you for your honesty. I am also just as straightforward - my respect to you... I've "entered the chronic pain world" about 3 years ago, and it's been tough... After few surgeries back-to-back, tons of tests, etc., I was blessed with a great neurologist (after a complete "quack", who used my pain and my insurance for entirely different purpose) who has been my God sent. I have been on pain management medication/s for a long time, hence, I can take a high dose and need one, actually. I completely agree with you abut the harassment and the stigma attached to any and all opioids, especially Ocycodone, I found... Everyone "plays a cop", with that very "why are YOU on it"??? It drives me completely insane. I don't take this crap from anyone anymore - I will go public one days soon, speaking for those, who are in agonizing pain, the horrid 24/7 nightmare, that only those, like us, can truly understand and relate to... Many pain management doctors are now on a "opioid free crusade", lecturing me and the world about harmful Oxycodones, Oxycontins, MsContins, and such. Makes my skin crawl... So yes, I agree with you completely and appreciate your response and advise. As to Fentanyl, I am getting more comfortable with it, and, like you, for the first time in a loooong time, I am able to find relief without breakthrough meds - miracle!!! I never judge those, sharing their "skills" on sites for recreational use. Many have a lot of useful information to offer. Many, s well, warn about Fentanyl and how it is NOT a drug to chew, insufflate, IV, etc., this medicine rules - very strong and makes no apologies for it - it is , for sure, my savior at the moment. I've been through hell, my doctor approves and I am happy to have his trust. I thank you for responding again. Keep in touch. Tell me more... Best.
I am also on 100 mcg fentanyl patches. I can't take as hot of a shower as I like but it can still be around 100° F (not much higher than body temp). I use the flat matrix-adhesive type patches, and they tend to stick better. I also put a full piece of Tegaderm over the patch so there's no chance of it falling off. The hotter water weakens the adhesive on the gel-reservoir patches (plus they're heavy and HUGE)! Showering is less worrisome with the matrix patches.
I take a shower and swim without a cover and mine stays on
Ksasha, if I were you, I would contact the company that makes your patch. There are several that make them, and ask them for the overlay, they will know what your talking about, and will give them to you for free!! I am very surprised your doc didn't give you somekind of pill for break through pain. I have been on patches several times, as well as several time release meds, again the doc gave me break through meds. I would suggest you contact your doctor, who should by all means help you good luck
YES! There is a very effective way to cover your patch and make it waterproof. You need the Tegaderm adhesive wound patches. They are big enough to cover your patch and they are clear, and very sticky and surround your patch making it waterproof. You can even swim and no water will touch your patch. They are made by several Mfg companies, but I use the 3M Nexcare Tegaderm brand. They work like a dream. So, just cover it up and NO worries!! Hope this helps - oh and they are not cheap, but they are effective and keep your patch dry and that's what you want. Good luck!! GX3
Wrap the patch and arm in plastic or saranwrap then use lots of surgical tape to secure it
If you are in that much pain then a Quick warm shower is fine. Do you want pain relief or perfect hair
Take a bath and use a sink to wash your hair.
I use a patch and shower daily- never had a problem and I don't cover it. Stays on like glue
If you are so scared, time your shower to when you change your patch!
Get the doctor to prescribe changing the patch every two days, not three, then take off the patch, shower, put on new patch.
Notice, it says HOT showers are a problem, not warm showers. Keep the water at a warm level if you have a patch on.
ALSO, if the doctor gives you break thru pills, DON'T take the right before showering.
I've been on the fentanyl patch for 8 years now and I've never covered mine, and the adhesive that's used on mine has never caused them to come off. I always have to pull mine off when it's time to change it out. I take hot baths, showers, sweat, everything and have not ever had an issue with water removing them.
I use the Tegaderm patches to hold my fentanyl patches on. I use the 1624W for my 50 mcg patch, and the 1626W for the 100mcg patch. I usually buy them on the internet as they're expensive, so I look to pay around 50 cents each by getting a box. Been using them for years, they work great!
What I do is take a very short short shower & stand toward the shower on the opposite side from which the patch is on .Also you could tape a plastic bag over it .
I am an ex-concrete formsetter. I'm broken beyond fixing. Chronic pain meds x 19yrs. My question is, not judging, genuinely wanna know, if u don't want ppl talking smack, why do u tell them what ur taking ?
For future reference, shower on patch change day - before changing the patch let your skin air out. After drying do not moisturize the skin where the new patch will be applied... On days of continued patch use, take sponge baths to maintain a desirable area.... I have been prescribed pain patches for 5 or so years now. When someone asks what kind they usually are referring to manufacturers such as mallinckrodt, mylan, watson, apotex, ext.... They also make cover patches which i heard if you contact the manufacturer they will send them to you... I've never tried them myself. I found a bunch at a liquidation sale and still have several boxes of them... I found the shoulder (both front and back down to armpit level but not in the armpit, and outer hip along bone) are the best areas for application for me. May a miracle find its way to you and take away the cause of your pain... Be well.
Tegaderms are great! I use the 1626 for my 100mcg patch, and the 1624 for my 50mcg fentanyl. Look online, try not to spend more than 50 cents each when purchasing a box.
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