A Beautiful Skin Is Not Worth This Pain From Hell!
UpdatedI went on accutane a year and a half ago for 6 months. I was apprehensive at first as I had heard that accutane was a very strong drug, but after speaking to my dermatologist I felt calm enough to give it a try. I now see how doctors can fool you just to make money and it makes me sick. I had bad joint andmuscle pains while on it, but was told that these symptoms would disappear once I was off the medication. I have had had joint and muscle problems ever since coming off that damn drug and its now 2 years later. It was only just recently that it could as bad as it is now and I now have pain in ALL my joints. I am only 21 but I honestly feel like I am about 80. My joints constantly click and I have especially bad pain in my wrists, fingers, knees and feet. I also get muscular pains in my arms and legs. I don't want to live like this. I was worried that there is something seriously wrong with me, but after reading all these posts I now see how it must be directly related to accutane. Yes sure, so my skin is clear. If I had known before going on it, the long term implications, I honestly would have tried something else. This pain is NOT worth it.
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