Zyrtec D Forums

Recently active Zyrtec D forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Zyrtec D and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I want to save money, possibly switching from zyrtec to zyrtec d. How do the cmpare? ## DONT TAKE EITHER!! Read the posts on side effects from this drug!! A really bad withdrawal side effect....itching so bad you wanna scream...and nothing helps. You have to wait it out. I am weaning off and finding something else. The D has a decongestant. It can make you hyper. I take a 12 hr D in the am...the 24 hr makes me so hype I feel like I am on speed and I cant sleep a wink. I was taking the 12 hr D in the AM...and a half pill of the 10mg regular Zyrtec at night. I have gotten dry eye, severe dry mouth, I suffer from dehydration no matter how much I drink. Come to find out it's all Zyrtec's fault. I am told this itching lasts 6 weeks at least. My hands and feet itching kept me up last ...

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Allergies to above have become severe and inter with my life. Getting so I don't want to go out or have people in in fear of fragances, etc. Allergies to above make me ill. Allegra doesn't help, Benedryl doesn't help. Looking for another allergy pill that WORKS for me. If anyone has had success fighting these type allergies, I'd like to hear what helped you. ## Sherry: I, too, experience the same allergies. Candles, cleaning products, perfumes, etc. are really disturbing to my allergies. Again, Zyrtec (liquid) helps but avoidance it best! ## Sherry: I, too, experience the same allergies. Candles, cleaning products, perfumes, etc. are really disturbing to my allergies. Again, Zyrtec (liquid) helps but avoidance is best! ## You should probably look for a med, either prescr...

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