Zutripro Forums

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What is the strongest color of cough sirup? I just got prescribed clear zutripro, and wanna know how this sirup compares to all the other cough sirups with codeine? Which is the most potent down to the least potent? ## Hello, Bog Dog! How are you? The colors don't actually mean anything, so I can't provide you with any information based on that. Nor can I go through and list all the cough syrups on the market, their ingredients and dosages, there are far too many. This one doesn't contain Codeine, anyway, the narcotic in it is actually Hydrocodone, which is stronger than Codeine. Learn more Hydrocodone details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and consti...

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