Zurich Biopharmacals (Top voted first)


It seems the Zurich Biopharmacals, the makers of artrosilium, is not answering the phones or carrying out its orders, and it's not even on the internet anymore. It seems to refer you to England (UK) where they are selling it for double the price. The tube should be about $20, not 36. What the heck is going on?

2 Replies

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Based on your description it sounds like a monopoly of some sort is taking place in the Artrosilium community to try and take advantage of the market. One must remember that pharmaceutical drug manufacturers are "for profit" companies - When we understand that, we will know why a tube went from $20 to $36 for no other apparent reason.

Also, when I google "Zurich Biopharmacals", another name comes up called "Natural Medicines" -who seems to have merged with it?

If you take a look at their webpage (copyright 2017), they list Atrosilium Complete capsules + Atrosilium Complete gel as two of their commercial products. I could be wrong but it seems to me that Natural Medicines is the new reproduction distributor for Zurich Biopharmacals:


I think they are only charging more because they can still expect a sizable percentage of people within the Artrosilium community to buy it regardless... Personally, I would probably search for another alternative before supporting them with my dollars.

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Artrosilium flexibility. Elasticity would like to get more if possable.

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