Zopiclone White Bl - Are They Safe? (Page 2)
UpdatedMy script has been filled with some round 7-5mg zopiclone. I know they're bad, or at least I think they are. They have BL on them. People I know have taken them and say they work, but these guys would drink petrol if it worked. Just wondering if you've heard of them?
Re: can (# 5)
I keep receiving totally different Zopiclone 7.5mg tablets.
Re: Ricky (# 9)
I’ve only had the ones in the blue box before the real ones. I’ve been given BL ones for tge last few weeks I was convinced they were an accidentally put in my box. They don’t help me sleep at all.
Re: tha dogg (# 2)
Re: Stuart (# 21)
The white 10mg and 20mg ones are generally counterfeit.
Re: Kel (# 1)
The white 10mg tablets had no effect for me. Same as the 20mg. They're made in India and are all counterfeit.
They are not what they say something is very wrong. I’ve tried to report this to . Gov uk they don’t care. The pill are weird made me poorly very poorly. I rely on zopiclone to sleep and these gave me none. My legs became restless not good
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