Zolpidem Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Zolpidem forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Zolpidem and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Zolpidem 10 mg what color is the pill green MZ 2 ## Hello, Alexis! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, they list it as being purple and containing 10mgs of Zolpidem, so yes, it's a generic for Ambien. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and sleep actions. Is there anything else I can help with? ## How do you find a pharmacy that still carries Zolpidem from Mylan? My pharmacy switched to Teva and now the pill doesn't work for me. Walmart, walgreens, CVS are all from Teva. ## You could try Jewel Osco but if all the big drugstores have switched, I'd say you're SOOL. Mine are Teva, work fine for me. Insurance usually doesn't pay for anything but stuff from the major drugstores like ...
small round white one side 74 the other side teva ## This tablet contains 10mgs of Zolpidem, the active ingredient in Ambien, used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and blurred vision. Read more: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## can i take 2 bills of small round white pill 74 teva in one time ..because one it does't effect me ## I just received a new 90 day supply of zolpidem. this one is different . itis small white with #74 and does not help me to sleep...connie ## who made the previously pill that I ghve been taking for years? it was a small long pink on one side white on the other.BKOV ## Took it by mistake. What can I do to offset drowisness and dissiness? ## No! ## 10mg isn't working f...
M Z2 round purple pill 10 mg, is this Zolpidem? ## Yes, the M Z2 round purple pill contains Zolpidem Tartrate 10 mg. (NDC 0378-5310) Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose monohydrate - Microcrystalline cellulose - Hypromellose - Sodium starch glycollate - Magnesium stearate - Titanium dioxide (E171) - Macrogol 400. ## My ambien is now purple. Why? Where does it come from (country, manufacturer, etc?) Why does the pill color keep changing? ## I have been taking this drug off/on for 3 or 4 years. It has changed (in the generic form) 3 or 4 times. Not sure why, and I don't know if the "non" generic changes. But they always work the same. ## It's made by Mylan labs, however I can't find anyplace to get it anymore, where are you getting it. ## Yes, the tablet with the MZ2 mark...
Round pink pill with a M and Z2, is this Zolpidem? ## M Z2 round pinkish purple tablet contains Zolpidem Tartrate 10 mg. (NDC 0378-5310) Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose monohydrate - Microcrystalline cellulose - Hypromellose - Sodium starch glycollate - Magnesium stearate - Titanium dioxide (E171) - Macrogol 400. ## Here's the monograph listing with more information: ## Is Marking RB81; pink oval shaped pill zolpidem? ## Yes, this is a version of 10 mg generic version of Zolpidem, manufactured by Mylan. I was given this twice via Walgreen's. I will admit it looked odd, compared to the usual round oval that I was accustomed to taking, but it seemed to work about as well for me. I Googled the color, shape and markings on the pill before taking it, despite the description on the b...
I have a yellow oblong pill. One side says 10 MG on it and the other side has an indented square with five circle dots within it (that looks like a dice). What is it? ## An oblong yellow tablet with 10MG on one side and the Torrent pharma logo on the other contains Zolpidem 10 mg (NDC 13668-008). Inactive Ingredients: - Ferric Oxide Red Ref: DailyMed
Anti-depressant ## Can Trepiline cause water retention or swollen and painful lower legs where the skin and muscles are actually painful to the touch? ## Since this is not available in the US, it is not listed in our monograph, however I did find a page with some information on it for you: ## I have been using 25g trepiline per day for 30 days now, it has helped me to sleep normally again, it has also helped reduce my migraine attacks. I used to have at least 6 - 8 a month, this last month I only had 3, apparantly they will go away completely. This in itself has changed my life!! the only side effects i am experiencing are very sore joints during the night and early in the mornings in my hands and feet. I walk like an old lady for about 30 minutes before it goes away and i can start my ...
Noxidem 10mg or Dormonoct 2mg, which is stronger? ## Hello, Lynne! How are you? These are two different classes of medications, so they aren't really comparable. Noxidem contains the active ingredient Zolpidem, which is a sedative hypnotic that's used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, sleep actions and next-day hangover-like effects. However, Dormonoct, contains the active ingredient Loprazolam, which is a benzodiazepine that's used to treat insomnia. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Which has been recommend for you? ## Hi, I was on Noxidem but have gone over to Dormon...
I've been takin zolpidem E 79 for a while n works great. But my local pharmer filled my script wit the purple round pill with M Z2 on it. I no they should work but I jus took my 2nd one in bout 2 hrs while I'm writing this. Is it jus me or r the purple ones weaker. Like I said I'm wide awake this sux. ## No, it isn't just you! There can be differences in generic medications. Under the U.S. FDA regulations, generic medications can differ from the name brand, in the amount of the active ingredient, by as much as plus or minus 20%. Additionally, generics only have to measure against the name brand and not against each other, which means that the amount of the active ingredient can differ from one generic to the next. Therefore, the news pill you received may not have as muc...
small. elongated white think it is ambienf9ef ## white pill with 79 on one side and e on the other. ## E/79 white pill is Zolpidem 10mg. It is generic Ambien manufactured by Aurobindo. ## I have Zolpidem 10MG with 79/E imprinted on them.....Mfg on the drug store label says Northstar. These don't work worth a damn. Will not refill script if I have to get these same pills. ## The identification provided is correct, this is a 10mg Zolpidem tablet. NDC: 65862-0160 It is most commonly used to treat insomnia. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, sleep actions, and next day hangover-like effects. Ref: Medline Plus Zolpidem Is there anything I can help with?
What is a round purple pill with an M and a 22 under it on one side and the other side is blank? ## What you have found is zolpidem. A prescription med under the brand name Ambien. The generic is purple with an M 22 imprinted on one side. Ambien is a sedative, also called a hypnotic. It affects chemicals in your brain that may become unbalanced and cause sleep problems (insomnia). It is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. This medication may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Ambien should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. An overdose of Ambien can be fatal when it is taken together with other medications that can cause drowsiness. Symptoms of a Ambien overdose may i...
What is in Zolnoxs 10mg ## This contains the active ingredient Zolpidem, which is a sedative hypnotic used for the short term treatment of insomnia. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and vivid dreaming. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## i took 1 Zolnoxs 10mg last night and i could sleep for 4 hour and was awake the rest of the night. can i take 2 i lost the package insert that indicate how many tablets to take ## Stilnox caused me to fall backwards we think as it happened repeatedly while using it as part of Parkinson's treatment. Is Stolnox a safer option? I read Stilnox has a positive affect on Parkinson-patients but am scared of falling. ## My son is a quadroplege, he is sweating a lot and I mean "a lot" at night. What me...
I have an RX of zolpidem tartrate 10mg. It is oblong, oval, has what looks like 1 die with 5 dots on 1 side, and 10 mg on the other side. I found another white pill (round with the 93 on 1 side and 74 on the other side). Is this the same RX? Did they change the Rx appearance? ## Located a match for a white, round pill with 93 on one side and 74 on the other, it's Zolpidem 10 mg. I was unable to locate the first pill you listed. Is there any more information you can give me, so I can better assist you? Zolpidem comes in many forms, colors and imprints. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## I have two pill bottles that had same pill in it. It is a small round purple pill with M 2Z or M Z2 on one si...
I take half of a 10 mg of Zolpidem to help me sleep. Lately I have been experiencing crawling and itching of the skin. I have been on Zolpidem for over a year under a doctors care. I can't get a straight answer from my doctor on the side effects and how do I come off of it ## Hello, Hector! How are you? No, those are not listed as known side effects of this medication and it would be very unusual to have them crop up, after you've already been taking it for a year. The common side effects usually include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and visual disturbances. As to coming off it, as sudden withdrawal may cause some rebound effects, like severe insomnia and nervousness, so it is better to slowly taper it. The modern method usually involves starting to skip doses, such as taking it o...
I'm a long term user of zolpidem. Whenever I forget to take this medicine I have horrible dreams, sweats and a poor night's sleep. With zolpidem I sleep very well.I guess I should continue zolpidem indefinitely as long as my doctor approves. Also, MEDCO is now sending me pale orange zolpidem instead of white. How can I tell it's zolpidem? ## Medco changed zolpidem to a orange pill made by Torrent Pharm.Please call Medco as i have,and tell them this pill sucks.don't work..Apotex used to be what you got,as i did for 15 years.they no longer carry it!!! ## Your body is most likely used to you taking the medication, so you experience some minor withdrawal effects, if you skip a dose. That is normal, and happens with anything we ingest regularly. The FDA lists the typical side...
Just received my prescription of Lypin 10 that's made in India. White bar shaped pills labeled JPEE labs. They aren't actually Ambien. They might have trace Ambien in them. They gave me an almost immediate feeling of half being asleep and very active bad dreams all night. I can take a 5 mg Ambien and it makes me fall asleep immediately. I had to take 2 of these labeled 10 mg to get a restless sleep. I'm about 180 pounds. ## Yeah, I just got mine today as well - Lypin 10 (zolpidem). Wondering if you can take them sublingually? ## I received the same Rx but I haven't tried them yet. Do they work for you? Are they safe? ## Tried one last night. Worked fine. I received mine on March 3, 2017 as well. I would be interested to know if others had any issues with them but as far ...
For many years Qualitest has furnished an excellent generic version of Ambien 10 mg. I have tried various other manufacturers ---Teva, Mylan and they do not work for me. I called Qualitest (now part of Endo and Par Pharma) --- customer service on 2/24/16 and they indicated that they are getting allot of inquiries and stopped producing it in Oct 2015, due to "inability to get certain ingredients." I find this bizarre. It was a great seller. My pharmacy also indicated that there is a posting that several other generic companies are also not shipping this product other than the 2 above. ## Hello, Chuck! How are you? Yes, that is correct, most manufactures have a shortage listed with no known date of availability. Shortages, such as this that say they can't get the relevant ingr...
small white pills,1/5 in. with 93 on one side and 74 on other side..no other markings.Might be over the counter but she did just finish finals???up very late,etc. Just curious...thanks ## This is actually 10mgs of Zolpidem, a generic for Ambien, used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, funny taste in mouth and hallucinations. You can read more on the medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## You're only running your relationship with your daughter by snooping. how about the easy answer? ASK HER. ## @Katie - perfect answer :-) ## It is a sleeping pill similar to ambien its called zolpidem. Its a medicine used to treat insomnia. Hope this helps
Where can I buy this? Most pharmacies don't carry Teva. Is there an updated Q and A, most are from 2012, it is now 2020! ## I checked around to see if there were any reported shortages from Teva but could not find anything. On the Teva website it states that their generics are available in most, but not all pharmacies. And that if a pharmacy does not carry their generic they might be able to order it from Teva for you at no extra cost. Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they are able to specifically order Teva for your next refill? You might also consider a licensed mail order pharmacy, as they may simply dispense the Teva brand. What kind are you getting now and how do they work for you?
What's an oval white pill with 79 on one side and a 3 on the other side? There is no "E" or "e" on this pill. Please help. ## Hello, Puney! How are you? That is still intended to be an E, but it is stylized to be their logo, which is why it looks so much like a three. NDC: 65862-0160 You are not the first person who thought it was a 3, and I admit that it does look like one to me, as well. The tablet contains 10mgs of Zolpidem, which is used to treat insomnia, and similar sleep issues. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, next day hangover-like effects, and sleep actions. Inactive ingredients may include: Lactose Monohydrate Cellulose, Microcrystalline Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato Magnesium Stearate Hypromellose 2910 (5 Mpa.s) Polyethylene...
I need help identifying a pill. It is very light yellow and round, with no scoring. The only identifier is (I think) A I, on the same side. It is clearly a capital A. Next to the A is either I, or 1. It looks like a capital I, just a straight line. Thanks in advance ## Hi Roland, I "may have" located to your pill to be Zolpidem tartrate extended release (12.5 mg). I only say "may have" because my source does not show a photo of the pill; just a description that matches "A1" and that the pill is round and yellow. If it helps to know, the manufacturer of this pill is Actavis Elizabeth LLC. I'll go ahead and post this drug information below so you can see if it rings a bell or not: Zolpidem is a prescription medication used for the short-term treatment of insomn...