Zoloft Reaction? (Top voted first)


I was prescribed Zoloft and I took it one time and it made me feel worse than better. Was it my nerves telling me that or was it a reaction to the pill?

3 Replies

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Zoloft and any other antidepressant is not a quick fix. It takes time for your body to adjust to the meds and sometimes the meds don't work for you. It is extremely important to have a doctor monitoring your medication so they can find the right one for you and the right dosage. I started taking Zoloft and I started feeling worse before it started working, but as the dr. gradually increased the dosage and my body adjusted...I feel better than ever!

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I had the same thing happen to me I felt so bad but I stuck with it and slowly my body ajusted and I feel like a normal person again. You just have to deceide if its worth it. I felt so bad before I had to do something. Depending what you are taking it for there are alot of other Antidepressents out there. Good luck!

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After I started taking Zoloft, I noticed I was able to think more clearly, and stay focused on things. I was finally able to reach the goals I had set for myself for the day, or week, or whatever. It has been a Godsend for me. Keep in mind, all people are different-what may work for me-may not work for you. I hope you can find your Godsend medication soon, too.

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