Zerin Tablet - Allergy


Last night i took 2 tablet of Zerin, in less than 15 mins my become itchy and swollen, followed by tightening of my throat and hardening of my stomach. i was rush in the hospital as i loss my voice in less tahn 30 mins. a bit serious but i was discharge today.
I want to know if anyone out there also experince this allergy with ZERIN. I been taking panadol/paracetamol for years now for my migraine, but this is the first time i got this allergy with paracetamol. Thanks.

2 Replies

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Our bodies do change, with time, as we age, so it is always possible to suddenly develop an allergy to something, even if you have taken it many times, before, with no problems.


I'm glad that you're okay, but did the doctor(s) advise you on what you should use instead?

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I still have this ZERIN medicine with me. I've taken the few months ago for fever but I don't have any of your symptom. For my understanding, this medicine is only for fever but not for other sickness eg. headache, and it should be taken after foods.

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