Zepose 10 Made By Cipla In India (Page 6)
UpdatedIs this legitimate? I'm using it to help withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. I have 10 mg tablets made by Cipla and I am taking half every 4 hours and plan to wean off as quickly as possible. I tried already and clearly cut back too much too fast. How much is safe? I don't want another addiction, but I know I need something, as I've already had a grand-mall seizure a few years ago from alcohol withdrawal. Any advice is welcome.
I have this brand 10mg zepose made by cipla. Are they legitimate diazepam tablets.? They only have a line threw the tablet one side and are plain on the reverse. Please can someone tell me if they are the same as blue diazepam, just different make and white..? I'd be grateful if someone could verify this for me.
They only have one line on the back and taste bitter, nothing like Valium. I think they are xanax! Any help would be appreciated.
I have the same. They have only one line on one side only, instead of two crossed lines. They work well.
Hi I have zepose and they crumble when you try to cut them in half. Are they a bad batch from the manufacturer?
I have since bought a benzo drug panel kit and my cipla/zepose have shown positive for benzodiazepine - I just don't feel the effect.
I had the same with a load of mine... No effect. Tasted like rock salt and threw up later in night
I just received Diazepam 10mg from a "uk" based pharmaceutical company and they taste nothing like the ones I am prescribed by my GP. They are very bitter and seem to have no effect on me whatsoever.. I've been prescribed Diazepam for years. Perhaps I'm really unlucky but that's twice I've filled a prescription for Diazepam and received Zepose -10mg and I feel no effect from these particular ones at all! I also received Zoplicone 7.5mg and these are also a Generic brand from India (apparently) and have the same active ingredients but I do not believe this is the case & they are blue. The Diazepam are white with a line, I assume to enable you to half them, but I believe the Diazepam should be blue and sweet to taste, and Zoplicone should be white with Bp or 7.5 on the actual tablets themselves. I much prefer the uk brand Actavis for all medications. I wish I could find a reliable pharmacy that carries Actavis meds to save me the disappointment of opening said items to discover they're NOT real!
You should really be in a hospital detox setting. That is not safe at all what you're doing in trying to do this yourself. I'm a recovering alcoholic of 7 years. I now have grand Mal seizures and am considered an epileptic and have to take epilepsy medicine everyday from doing what you're doing. People die everyday from alcohol withdrawal. Someone from our local meeting just died last week. So did that adorable actor from 'True Blood'. It's so sad. There's so many good people out there that would be willing to help you. Find a local AA meeting. I'm not saying you have to go forever. They'll tell you that. But it's a great place to start. It's always comforting being around other "drunks". They get it. Good luck.
P.S. You will get addicted to the valium. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. Diazapam is a central nervous system depressant just like alcohol and effects us the exact same way. Don't kid yourself.
Re: DEVIL666 (# 87)
I filled a prescription for 10 mg valium and received Zepose instead. They seemed to work..but taste nasty and the taste stays in your mouth for hours. Best thing I ever got was xanax from Romania. They were flat white discs and really good/strong. Do not go through India. They say US, but it is India. Medications from Canada are good quality too.
Re: stevvi (# 17)
Stevvi how much do you pay a pill
Re: Sammy (# 107)
On Your question on the zopiclone or as I call them zimovane, I believe you're speaking about the blue ZOP ones that are around these days. I’ve tried them and have found them to be the worst brand in over 30 yrs of taking this medicine. They had NO effect on me whatsoever!! I used to get zopicon brand filled from China which were EXTREMELY inexpensive (like 100 for a £10 or 1000 for £100), they used to be easily obtainable from a uk pharmacy. But then you had to order them from Hong Kong and I ordered a few times but the delivery times weren’t great and after receiving fast from the site from the UK I decided to stop taking them much to my dismay.
If you check the pharmacy you're getting the ZOP brand you may find they have an alternative brand and from what I’ve found the other brand are only slightly dearer. If I were you I’d email the place you got the ZOP from and ask if they have another brand, hopefully they might say send back what you’ve left and they might (for a small price) offer you a different brand? It’s worth a try as that’s what I did when I bought the DREADED (Blue) ZOP brand, they took them back and for another £20 if I recall correctly sent me a different manufacturer that did the trick! Good luck and I hope this helps you as it did me!!!
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