Ziak Zanidip Can They Cause Mouth Ulcers?
UpdatedI am not sure whether the allergy I have could be caused by the intake of Ziak and/or Zanidip. I continually have a sore mouth something similar to cold sores, I also tend to get a sore throat, twice I have had my tongue swell during the night which was very stressful and i have itchiness on my body in patches even my scalp itches which my GP has informed me is an allergy. Could the Ziak; Zanidip or Cymgen 60mg cause these allergies???? I take the Ziak in the morning and the Zanidip at night as prescribed by the doctor.
1 Reply
Hello, Lynne! How are you?
Cold sores only occur outside the mouth, on other areas of the face, such as the surface of your lips, edges or your lips, the chin area and etc. The ones on the inside of the mouth are canker sores and many medications can cause them, though it can't be said for certain which one is causing them, according to the NIH.
The FDA lists other typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and dry mouth.
Have you had your doctor check them out, yet?
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