Zc02 White Round Pill
UpdatedWhite round pill with ZC 02, plain on the other side. Used for nausea.
3 Replies
Does the white round pill "zc 02" help intestinal spasms in addition to nausea? I am having intestinal or abdominal cramps/spasms so harsh they have me bent over. I am not really nauseated at all but have these pills from a few months ago given for a weak stomach. I have to take it with pain killers to prevent vomiting. Will they help the spasms?
The pill which you are describing with imprint ZC 02 amidst a cross [+] (double score) is Promethazine 25 mg manufactured by Zydus Pharmaceuticals. You can view an image from the manufacturer.
This medication is primarily used as an antihistamine and anti-nausea drug. Please see the following page for more details:
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Re: Annie (# 1)
Does this still happen to you?
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