Yellow Octagon Pill With 40 On One Side
UpdatedIt is opana 40 mg, its very strong its probably equivalent to 2 oxy 80's. So if you get ahold of one of these DO NOT ABUSE THEM and do not do more than half at once unless you tolerence is extemely high.
5 Replies
That is correct, it is a 40mg Opana tablet, which contains the active ingredient Oxymorphone, a very potent narcotic analgesic.
Abusing them is dangerous is many ways, it can cause overdose and possibly be fatal.
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Are there any other questions or comments?
I have a yellow octagon shaped pill with 40 on one side and have been told that it is morphine. Is it?
I Thought I was at the "Dilaudid Vs. Oxycodone?" Forum ....I guess not. I will have to keep looking via the net. I wanted to know which one is better for killing sever pain: Dilaudid or Oxcodone.
Its a opana 40 mg and its a lot stronger than a Morphine believe me I get both of them
Opana is pretty much equivalent to OC it's is NOT 2x's the potency I'll admit it may seem that way because they haven't made these uncrushable the way they have with OC but it's pretty equivalent not 4x's the OC !
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