Yellow Norco 10 325 Discontinued (Page 3)
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What the heck, guys?!?!?
I've been prescribed the yellow, oblong Norcos 10/325 for years and years now (several different illnesses\conditions).
All of a sudden I went to CVS and the pills they gave me were more or less, useless! They were white and smaller. They don't do anything to help my pain.
This sucks! I called CVS and they said that the FDA passed a law stating no more "Norco" could be sold due to the rampant over-abuse. Great. Thanks a lot for those of us who really, genuinely needed that ONE MED that really actually worked and helped. Because of pill-poppers and sellers, I can no longer get the one and only medication that helped me. This sucks. It's wrong. Really wrong. I don't take them to get any high. I take them to make it thru my day.
Anyone else experienced the notification of discontinuation of the Norco, yellow, oblongs? I usually use Express Scripts to fill my scripts, but on short notice, I use CVS. Sometimes it can take up to a month to receive a med, using Express Scripts.
I'm due for a refill. I'm thinking I should call my doctor's assistant and ask her to specifically write out the script for NORCO, instead of just '10/35'.
Anybody have any comments? Any help or suggestions?
THANKS and feel healthy, everyone!!!! <3

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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you get REFILLS ON NORCO? HOW??? that was made illegal in florida..I have been havng to pay $200 EVERY 28 DAYS FOR OVER A YEAR NOW just for Norco 4 a day r u on like 1 or 2 a day? is a pain management dr doing this or a primary care? you sure are lucky that's for damn sure

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Their not discontinuing Norco..who said that? Watson got bought out by activas and they supposedly just took out the yellow in same other brands of it work AT ALL unless I take DOUBLE what I was prescribed. its ridiculous and sure the fda and dea is in on this. that's why there hasn't been any recall..if I had the money to have this tested I would but the one place I found wants $400 to test it. cuz I am POSITIVE they only put maybe half or less mg of the hydrocodone in these. and that would be illegal but I don't have any money to spend.

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This is sorta late answering your question about the brand Norco, but after 10 years of use for chronic pain I can assure you it is absolutely a difference if you are not getting Norco. My physician wrote for the name brand only. It is extremely expensive so all insurances companies want you to take Anything but this. Good luck to you and God Bless

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I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are all experiencing with this new pill. You aren't the first to post with complaints about the new white tablet.

It sounds like you've all spoken with your pharmacy, but had no luck. Based on what I've read, it's likely that your pharmacist didn't have any other information for you, because so far all the available information about this new Watson pill claims the tablets as being identical and that they have only removed the dye that was in them. However, I have also read that they may have taken out a small amount of acetaminophen due to the fact it can cause liver damage. I'm not sure if that's true, but I suppose the truth will have to come out eventually!

I suggest trying a different brand, it seems as though some people have had success by doing so.

Here's a link to a thread that might be of help: Discuss/Watson-853-White-or-Yellow-Pill-246480.htm

Does anyone else have more information to share?

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nore more could be sold?? WHAT??? they are useless and i have a dr appt today and do not know what to do i cant take this crap and no pharmacies here will fill anything like that i was lucky to find ONE nice pharmacist. can anyone help with what else to take similiar but that works for the pain?

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Hi Francessca. I too have been given the new white Norco and it is not the same. I am experiencing stomach pains, headaches, fuzzy eyesight, and extreme drowsiness. I called Walgreens and got a pathetic line about the dye being removed and there is no difference. I take the pills daily and I say there is a big difference. I am also in agreement with you that the "lay about pill poppers" abused our medication and we are paying the price. I cannot take these new pills and function. What's worse is they probably collect some type of welfare while you are I are going to work in pain on a daily basis.

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