Yellow Norco 10 325 Discontinued (Page 3) (Top voted first)


What the heck, guys?!?!?
I've been prescribed the yellow, oblong Norcos 10/325 for years and years now (several different illnesses\conditions).
All of a sudden I went to CVS and the pills they gave me were more or less, useless! They were white and smaller. They don't do anything to help my pain.
This sucks! I called CVS and they said that the FDA passed a law stating no more "Norco" could be sold due to the rampant over-abuse. Great. Thanks a lot for those of us who really, genuinely needed that ONE MED that really actually worked and helped. Because of pill-poppers and sellers, I can no longer get the one and only medication that helped me. This sucks. It's wrong. Really wrong. I don't take them to get any high. I take them to make it thru my day.
Anyone else experienced the notification of discontinuation of the Norco, yellow, oblongs? I usually use Express Scripts to fill my scripts, but on short notice, I use CVS. Sometimes it can take up to a month to receive a med, using Express Scripts.
I'm due for a refill. I'm thinking I should call my doctor's assistant and ask her to specifically write out the script for NORCO, instead of just '10/35'.
Anybody have any comments? Any help or suggestions?
THANKS and feel healthy, everyone!!!! <3

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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Sophronia are you also aware the state of NY iS the first state, that is removing the questions, from the ER questionnaire part that ask your rating on the management of your pain, while in the ER?
This is per the US Pain Foundation. Please stay informed and start signing the petitions going around.

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I broke my back and I get 4 10mg Norco a day. It cost a couple of dollars a month. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I get the yellow ones from cvs. I don't know what I would do without them. It hurts just laying down in the bed. I feel so sorry for those of you that are hurting and have to fight just to get what you need to have a somewhat of a normal existence. It shouldn't be that way. But they want to make it hard on the pill poppers and don't care how it effects the ones who really have pain issues. May God bless us all.

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Yes, I was just told today by my pharmacy that the manufacturer of the yellow Norcos isn't making them any more. B.S!!! The whites DO NOT WORK!!!! I think the government has a hand in this. This is so wro by for people who have legitimate chronic pain!!

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Re: Sophronia (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I am having this same problem!! I am also a grandmother, raising my granddaughters and have valid medical conditions and horrible chronic pain!! The government needs to stay out of our business.

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nore more could be sold?? WHAT??? they are useless and i have a dr appt today and do not know what to do i cant take this crap and no pharmacies here will fill anything like that i was lucky to find ONE nice pharmacist. can anyone help with what else to take similiar but that works for the pain?

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I am in Texas and still able to get the yellow NARCO 10/325 I am wondering if this is going to be in effect here...

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