Yellow Norco 10 325 Discontinued (Page 2)
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What the heck, guys?!?!?
I've been prescribed the yellow, oblong Norcos 10/325 for years and years now (several different illnesses\conditions).
All of a sudden I went to CVS and the pills they gave me were more or less, useless! They were white and smaller. They don't do anything to help my pain.
This sucks! I called CVS and they said that the FDA passed a law stating no more "Norco" could be sold due to the rampant over-abuse. Great. Thanks a lot for those of us who really, genuinely needed that ONE MED that really actually worked and helped. Because of pill-poppers and sellers, I can no longer get the one and only medication that helped me. This sucks. It's wrong. Really wrong. I don't take them to get any high. I take them to make it thru my day.
Anyone else experienced the notification of discontinuation of the Norco, yellow, oblongs? I usually use Express Scripts to fill my scripts, but on short notice, I use CVS. Sometimes it can take up to a month to receive a med, using Express Scripts.
I'm due for a refill. I'm thinking I should call my doctor's assistant and ask her to specifically write out the script for NORCO, instead of just '10/35'.
Anybody have any comments? Any help or suggestions?
THANKS and feel healthy, everyone!!!! <3

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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It is not a requirement for your Pain Management doctor to prescribe you a time release pill, as well as a "breakthrough" med for pain. This only creates issues for people, such as quicker rise in tolerance to opiates, making your physical dependency worse, as well as the chance for accidental overdose. If your doctor has weighed these risks, for the benefits of this type of Pain Control, then that is up to your doctor; but there is absolutely nothing that says norco is specifically for breakthrough pain, and that you must have an ER opiate medication in conjunction.

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You guys are all the victim of placebo effect. Saying that the new white watsons have no more than 1mg of hydrocodone is absurd. Because of the fact that most of you were on the same medication for years, then switched, you automatically had disdain for the pills before you even tried them. This leads to something call the placebo effect. All brands of Norco have the same amoint as far as the hydrocodone.

It's quite amusing to see people say the don't use them to feel high, but then say that they're going to go into withdrawl because their meds aren't making them stoned. All while their body is getting the same amount of hydrocodone as before. This is another example of your mind being able to influence things. You BELIEVE these pills are garbage and aren't doing anything, you BELIEVE they don't do anything, and it happens. Somebody could make a sugar pill that looks exactly like a yellow Watson, and you guys would respond to it because you believe that is the pill you need. When all reality you just got high off of sugar.

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k, Hydrocodone combinations meds are not a Schedule II in the state of Florida. Put state of florida AND hydrocodone combination prescriptions in your search bar. See the link to the document Drug Diversion and Abuse: Rescheduling of Hydrocodone. Then put Florida in the find part of your browser.

Drs & Pharmacists have been advised to prepare for hydrocodone combinations medications meds going to Schedule II later on this year. The drs are writting them with no refills, can't be called in, must pick up a written rx, ect. But,, this is not law, yet. Put Rescheduling of hydrocodone combination prescriptions in your search bar or go to thr DEA website and put that in their search bar. You will see that the FInal Notice has not been published on the Federal Registery as of August 4, 2014.

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hey there, I get the yellow norcos to the one with the V on one side and some numbers on the other yellow and oblong and yes there is an absolutely extremely large difference between the white ones that stay are at CVS or Rite Aid with the red or blue. Synonym, those ones suck! I'm a teen patient too and I will tell you you need to call around mom-and-pop pharmacy is mostly not the big chain stores and ask for the brand qualitiest.I don't know what CBS was talking about by saying no more Norco, cuz thats BS there still Norco 10 milligrams of hydrocodone and 325 milligrams of acetaminophen.but don't worry you are not quote unquote tripping, there is a large difference and CVS was lying to you some pharmacist / pharmacy techs are just jerks don't deal with CBS, sometimes if there is a Walgreens in your area that will carry the brand that I'm telling you about as well you just need to call around and check out the mom and pop from the sea like I told you to. One last thing, it's all to the same for me I got the yellow ones for a while, then I went to CVS because it was closer and I got the white ones with the blue polka dots and it was like I was eating choc!I don't know if its the filler the manufacturers put in it or what I'd really like to know I'm actually going to ask my pharmacist today cuz he is a personal friend of mine so I can ask things like that and I'll get back to you later today hope this helps a little bit.. Andy.

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@Sara...are you talking yellow in general or yellow Watson. I have found yellow qualitest , but not yellow Watson

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Hi. The yellow have been put on diversion because of the market value. BUT - IF you go to or call the CVS pharmacies near you, some still carry or will special order with a few days notice, especially if they know you're going to be a monthly client. I went to 3 before finding mine. Finally someone called around for me and located then. If you do this at midnite, they have more time to chat....

Only speak to the pharmacist. The clerks are no help. Be very positive and brief.

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I just called actavis/watson and complained about the new white Norcos there TERRIBLE everyone should call and complain heres the number 1-800-272-5525 ext34399 im going to have to change my script if they dont change back I've been on the yellows for 10 years and now im in alot of pain with these white watson norcos there completely different it's more than dye they changed the pill and are lying to all of us patients that really need these pills.

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Where do you live in Texas and what pharmacy are you going to :)

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Jeremy, it's everywhere. If it hasn't affected you yet, it's just sheer luck. If you take a generic, irregardless of where you live, if it hasn't affected you it will soon.

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GOod luck! the only thing i tried was i found a place to test the garbage pills and would oftold us EXACTLY how much of what is in them but it cost $400 and i cant afford it. i have posted tons of messages contacted lawyers and the fda and NOTHING is or will be done until someone has these things tested as there is NO WAY IN HELL there is more then maybe 1mg of hydrodcodone in them walgreens started denying to fill my prescriptions and this new place charges DOUBLE almost $100 for ONE MONTH plus my dr costs $200 a month and they gfive me qualitest brand which are jUST AS BAD..worthless

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Has anyone heard anything else about these white Watson 853 10/325? I posted a new thread today in the Norco forum but received no response. I am at a loss here. I have taken pain meds for 10+ yrs and have had every brand with not ONE issue before until I just got my monthly prescription yesterday and was given these. These things are absolute garbage. They are completely ineffective and I think we deserve answers. Nobody is going to look out for people who suffer in pain. They never have due to the stigma attached. It's up to us. We need to organize and do something about this. There is severe tort here on the manufacturer and we deserve answers and explanations. This is not psychosomatic.... There is something DEAD WRONG and people are ending up back in spirit crushing pain that these medications relieved.

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I am in Texas and still able to get the yellow NARCO 10/325 I am wondering if this is going to be in effect here...

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not complaining about the cost I do have insurance so that's not the problem the problem is Watson has changed the medication that helped me tolerate my pain nerve pain never stops hurting but I could at least get thru my day without suffering like I am now and they are not telling the truth about it just being the dye they removed

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no I go to pain management 4 times a year so I get 3 refills each time reg, md cant do that here in tx they cant give refills on norcos but now dosent matter if they did they don't work anyway now

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I'm sorry to hear that!
Tramadol is child's play compared to yellow Norco!
My gosh - it's not even half of what Norco is!!!! Nor even half of a regular vicodin!
How dare they do this to you!!!!
I agree 100% that MORE is different than just the dye!
The white ones don't do jack. There is such a considerable difference!
Sure wish they would not screw around and take away the ONE medication that has changed my life considerably for the very best and has given me back a quality of life that enables me to live a fulfilling and engaging life w/out pain. Now they are taking that away. What will we do???? This is NOT fair!!!!

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i have severe neuropathy chronic pain from 2 failed back surgery since 2000 have been taking yellow Norco 10/325 for years 240 a month i do not believe the yellow dye is all that has changed these white what ever they are are not doing any thing for me make things worse called my pain management they offered me tramadol this makes no since im in a great deal of pain taking the white so called Norco

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i was told by my dr AS WELL As my pharmacist refills are not allowed on Norco. you need a physical prescription I have emailed the fda the florida health dept and everyone has told me I must be seen every month to have this medication. my pharmacist also told me like my dr office did if you are prescribed a breakthrough med like Norco you MUST also be prescribed a long acting one like ms contin..which also requires to be seen monthly. but even without the ms contin I have been paying $200 a MONTH for over a year because they would not do any refills..this has been hell because I had to quit working last summer and every month to come up w this amount PLUS medication costs is ridiculous. I am about to be I withdrawal because now not only is this dr requiring to be seen every 28 DAYS an writing prescriptions for 28 days only, now also requiring complete blood counts evry 3 months!! ridiculous! these pos do not care about people obviously.

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Refills are allowed on Schedule III meds, but not on Schedule II meds. As of today, New York state is the only state where hydrocodone combination products are Schedule II, it was effective February 23, 2013. The other states are going by Federal Law which states hydrocodone combination products are Schedule III. BUT, with the recommendations of the FDA's REMS Committee on January 30, 2013, Federal Law is in the process of changing hydrocodone combination products to Schedule II for all the states. It will take a little time, but not much. Also with Schedule II, they cannot be called or faxed, they must be written and with no refills.

Did your doctor tell you that there were no refills on your Norco ?

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if u have insurance and haven't been having to pay $350 a month for dr and meds you shouldn't be complaining. im about to be I withdrawal because of this crap. my pain dr doesn't care about people only about money and it is sickening. there are no primary care drs who will treat pain anymore in florida thanks to the dea

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