Yeduc Sibutramina (Page 67)


Yellow & Blue Cap

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I've been taking yeduc for one week and so far I have lost 6lbs. Hoping to lose 50lbs.

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I just went to mex today and got some reduc and bought two bottles in two diff pharmacias.. Both bottles look identicle however when I got home one bottle was filled up with blue and yellow pills and the other bottle was white and blue...?? Totally weird..has anyone gotten blue and white pills before? I thought that was odd.. Last time I had them they were yellow and blue..

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You can find them at santa fe spring suami, by where they cook chiken or meat they sell all types of pills but those they keep in the back so u gotta ask for them.
I lost like 20pounds and stop cause I didn't wanna loose no more weight 2 years later I try them again , they didn't work for me no more :/

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Lost 5 more pounds!

I'll be reporting here every week with my results. I'm 5'2" and I currently weigh 152lbs

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I bought yeduc from tijuana but the pills are all blue i feel there workig.. ive read here theres blue and yellow ones does anyone know the difference?

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I bought the white and blue and they are great for me i'm not hungry at all i eat cause i know i have to but at the beginning the only problem i had was breaking out oh and by the way i got them in tj but i also know a lady that has them in cali both of them blu/white and blue/yellow

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Where in cali is the lady

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WOW... Last time I was to TJ was in December 2012... I must off went to 5 different pharmacy and the said they don't sale it no more it needs a Dr. prescription...

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Where in cali can I get the good ones, ??? I'm in LA

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Where in California is the lady?

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I started taking yeduc on 8/21/13 exactly a week today and i started at 148 pounds that day and today iam at 141 pounds:)

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I got some yeduc 15 mg on aug. 24. But I was asked if if I made sure that I bought the right Brad or if I bought the real stuff. how do I know if I bought the real stuff?

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What does you pill bottle look like. Wish I could attach the pictures on here, of mine.

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It says Yeduc in royal blue color15 mg so its white royal blue and yellow

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Down another 6lbs! Ahh! im getting so much closer to my goal! Also, I havent had any side effects other than dry mouth but i just make sure to drink a lot of water. I also don't get hungry I could go all day without eating anything. But that is obviously not healthy so I force myself to eat something.

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Where do you get them

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Ok here i go again i bought them today original ones going. I'm 230lbs
Will post in a wk see how it goes.. really good price i got them for

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where did you find them at ?

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Where did you find yours? I've been going to Mexicali but was told they've been discontinued

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Does anyone know if you can get them in Mexicali? And where? Number if possible, thanks !
Hay alguien que sepa si las venden en Mexicali? Y donde? Numero de telefono si es posible, gracias !

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