Xtandi Forums

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My husband has an aggressive form of prostate cancer. In 2 years have been through chemo, radiation, lupron, immunotherapy (provenge), zytiga and another one or two that I can't remember. Anyway, the doctor is now talking about xtandi and Radium 223, and perhaps a clinical trial using Taxotere using Ascorbic acid. Side effects from the Xtandi, Radium and Taxotere (which he did 2 yrs ago when diagnosed) are not very pleasant, especially if the results are only for 3-4 months, which is the average before his psa rises and scans show the cancer spreading. Anyone else have an aggressive form of prostate cancer and dealing with treatment that doesn't work for long? ## Dear CeeCee, I'm very sorry to hear about the condition your husband is in. My spouse's grandfather (age 80+)...

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I am taking mdv3100(,enzolutamide),(xtandi) and have been for 3 months.The dose is 120 mg per day.Is there any risk in stopping taking it abruptly? Thankyou ## Hello, Sam! How are you? If you're treating prostate cancer, then I strongly urge you not to go off of it, without speaking to your doctor and at least replacing it with something else. Are you having problems with the side effects from it? Why do you want to stop it? Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, cold like symptoms, hot flushes and diarrhea. ## Hi Verwon,thanks for your reply. Yes prostate cancer met to bones.PSA still climbing despite MDV3100.Side effects not worth it.More chemo is on the books.Again,are the side effects worth it? Thanks again Sam ## I understand and in such a case, I see your poin...

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How long after Xtandi has reduced PSA levels to zero or almost zero does it take for PSA levels to start to rise and I will have to find another step in treatment? ## Hi Marlee, I'll be honest, I don't know anything about PSA levels or what that stands for medically, BUT, looking at the estimated half life of Xtandi (enzalutamide) you can get a really good idea of how long it will be working in your body since your last dose. According to The University of Utah, the mean half life of Xtandi is 5.8 days with a broad range of anywhere between 2.8 – 10.2 days. So if Xtandi reduced your PSA levels shortly after ingestion, it will take about 5 days for half of that dose to be eliminated from your body; and then another 5 days for half of that remaining half to be eliminated, an...

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