Xarelto With Back, Joint And Muscle Pain (Page 2)
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If anyone else experienced these symptoms, how long after being off the xarelto did symptoms go away?
Re: Anne (# 3)
You know what I think is a riot? None of these doctors can tell you much about Xarelto yet all of them CAN tell you NOT to get off it! They are wing nuts! I have heard of people just hopping off it. The man around the corner? He takes a Xarelto every other day.
Re: Gina (# 16)
Hi. I was able to get my specialist to change my meds to aspirin but then another DVT in my legs appeared. However he didn't believe me when I said my miserable existence was caused by the Xarelto. While on the aspirin the burning in my limbs subsided but now he has put me on Eliquis and I think it's all returning. It's a no win situation it seems. At least it's some small comfort to know that others are suffering and it's not just in our minds.
Re: Kelly (# 20)
Hi Kelly, these different side effects seems to come in spasms .
one day I feel good apart from my aches in my back and when I get up from a sitting position ,once I’m up I’m good.
tomorrow might be different again. This morning I woke up with a swollen eye, looks as if I have been hit in the eye
I did ask my GP could I be bleeding inside without knowing !!he said if I took anti inflamatorey over time that can cause an ulcer .
I felt better after talking to him. He also said if my stomach ,reflux
wasn’t any better he would send me for X Ray.
I’m pleased to say that too has gone, eating too many fruit mince pies.
Little things worry us with being on Xarelto.
Talking about it too helps otherwise depression sets in,
I have been told by my daughter to walk every day around the garden . But not in this 45 deg heat,
Chin up and talk to your GP ,I’m 78next and hate being unwell.
Just imagine how many people out there have these clots without knowing it.
At least we have been diagnosed and been treated for it. It’s up to us now to make sure we keep on top of it beating these side effects
In the last two days I have had a bad headache and dizziness ,that has now eased off,
Re: Carole (# 2)
I have the exact same side effects. I live in Australia and I have the same problems with my medicos. They will not believe or admit that these symptoms are side effects of Xarelto. However my haematologist agreed to try me on Aspirin (Cartia) but after 3 weeks I developed more DVT's and went back on a higher dose Xarelto with worse symptoms. This was prescribed by an emergency Dr at the hospital (Christmas Hols and specialist was away) Then back to the haematologist who now has me on Apixaban (Eliquis). I would rather risk more DVTs than put up with the side effects of Xarelto. Is there a possibility of you asking your medico to try another blood thinner?
Up date on my condition taking Xarelto 20mg , I went to my GP worried about putting weight on and feeling bloated, he put me on medication for reflux.
My next appointment in March is for a CT scan to see if these clots are gone . Also to see the Haematologist too .
In the last few days I pulled a muscle in my lower back near my waist line towards the back . I took osteo panadol which helped . My cough is better only have a dry throat when I have over done it . I did go for an MRI to my right knee and I do have a tare that has to be seen to too.
Re: Hefina (# 18)
Hi Hun I've been taking these blood thinning tablet for 6 months now. Since October been getting lower back pain and bloated ness in my stomach. Can not wait to go for my review in January to come off them. Felt so rubbish being on them. Good luck xx
Re: Gina (# 16)
You just cannot stop these tablets as you like, please check with your GP. Otherwise you could feel worse.
What about the injections for blood thinners ,ask your GP. If you read through these comments someone did that and they found it OK painwise.
Hi. I’m back and I’m experiencing more side effects of Xarelto. The headaches & dizziness have gone away for now!! But my knees are still hurting especially when I try to get up. The latest I’m experiencing is stomach problems. Makes me terribly depressed. I have burping, bloated stomach and I feel fat, the weight I have put on is unbelieavable. I climbed my first steps this week and I was worried i would not be able to breath like I did the first time I had the clots in my lungs. I could breathe but had a tight feeling in my chest. I’m tearful, depressed and have feelings of despair. My family tries to keep me positive, but I’m not hopeful of it getting better soon. I’m going to see my GP after the new year. I hope I will not break out in tears which is often these days. There must be another way to deal with these clots... What about coated aspirin?
Re: Gina (# 16)
Yes I've tried xarelto, twice, both times experiencing muscle/nerve pain. The Drs say it is just a trial process, so I've trialed all the anticoagulants. For me they seem to be fine for a while and then the pain begins. As I have posted before, I believe there is an allergic component for me. As I have experienced clots three times in the last decade, Drs keep me in fear mode when not on meds, but the meds make me hurt bad enough, its just not worth it. Trying to get testing for med allergies at this time.
I developed muscle pain in my legs after taking Xarelto. Has anyone ever just stopped taking this med? I think I won’t take it tonight. I called my cardiologist to report my symptoms. Maybe Coumadin has less severe side effects... Anyone know?
Re: Hefina (# 14)
After reading all these side effects I didn’t mention my leg pains, I had a knee replacement 5 years ago with no problems at all until I started on Xarelto. Something has to be done to stop these side effects going on forever. Both my knees are painful. I cannot get up from a sitting position without much pain.
Does anyone who is on Xarelto suffer bad headaches and dizziness? I was really well before these clots apart from the dry cough. Some say it doesn’t cause a cough but I read more about it it does cause a cough. But the headaches and dizziness are getting more troublesome I don’t feel safe to drive any more. Should I cancel my dental appointment on Monday for a filling, but if they find it too big a hole they might have to take it out,and the bleeding worries me.
Does anyone have acute and chronic back pain while taking Xarelto?
Can Xarelto be titrated?
Can you switch to Eliquis?
My husband has been on xarelto for A-fib for 8 months now. He can hardly walk, has terrible joint and leg pain & he doesn't want to have another stroke, but the leg and back pain are too much... What can we do? He is going for steroid shots... desperate.
I have had severe back and joint pain since taking xarelto. Tylenol is worthless. What do I do? This pain is so bad I cannot sleep, I cannot play golf. It hurts to walk and I used to walk 10 miles a day. My doctor pooh poohs it.
I have been on Xarelto for 4 months now for a blood clot caused by a nurse who blew out my vein in an ER. I know my back pain is caused by the Xarelto, but what I need to know is how long it's going to take for it to go away after I'm off of them? I still have 3 days left of the pills, so I really want to know when I can look forward to my back not hurting? Sometimes it's like labor pains... Someone please answer me.
I have the same response to all the tableted blood thinners and all tableted meds so I wonder if the muscle pain could be an allergy to inactive ingredients?
yes...about the eliquis...but they say nothing? my best friend was put on xarelto the other day, and i told her not to take it....i will be keeping track of her pains...this is getting ridiculous
I am a 49yr old female That had a DVT that caused two lateral PE. I was put on xarelto and by the 3rd week I too started with the back pain first then the hip joint pain came by the 2nd month. When I sit for a period of time it is so hard to get up and moving. I just cant figure out how a blood thinner can do all these different side effects its maddening!
Since I had so much pain with Xarelto, I was put on Eliquis. At first, no problems. Then, by the end of the 2nd week, the same joint pains started. I have had 2 knee replacements and neither knee hurt afterwards until I started on Xarelto and now Eliquis. So my knees are back hurting again. It's been 2 years and when I go out I still use my cane, but not around my home. Xarelto and Eliquis...both cause joint pain.
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