Xarelto For Afib
UpdatedExperiencing Pain in my calf & leg muscles during the daytime. During the night, I wake up with leg muscles twitching. Get up, go to bathroom, back to bed & back to sleep. Cardiologist has had me on 20mg Xarelto/day for approximately 2 years for afib but haven’t had any negative reactions till now. Could Xarelto be the cause? Should I be concerned?
2 Replies
Yes, there is a chance that it could be due to the medication, but there is no way to give you a definitive answer. The FDA does list its possible side effects as including joint/muscle aches, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising.
What dosage are you currently taking?
Are you on any other medications?
How often have you been experiencing these symptoms?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I’m on 20mg/daily Xarelto. Have been on this dosage for 2+ years. I’ve never had any negative reactions from this medication. The muscle spasms aren’t painful, but feel strange & disturbing enough to wake me during sleep.
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