Xarelto And Vitamins? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Was prescribed Xarelto 15 mg 2x daily two weeks ago for blood clot in the leg. I would like to keep taking the viamins/ supplements that I always took before this - I.e., B complex, Vit. C 1000 mg, Calcium/Magnesium, Vit D 2000 IU, Co-enzyme Q 10 200 mg, Biosil and Lutein. My doc said "no", but didn't tell me why not. Can't find any info anywhere to determine abiut this. Xarelto manufacturer has no info on package insert. Pharmacist doesn't seem to know either. I have read on another website that apparently the maket did not test for interactions w. vitamins, so they don't know. Does anyone here have any futher info regarding this? I feel that I really need to be taking my vitamins!

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Hi my dad has been dealing with a blood clot in his leg and was only put on Xarlteo at the er for two weeks and he is saying he has no energy and conplains of lower back hurting but he will be out of pills tomorrow shouldn't he be on a blood thinner longer for this and if so can we ask for a different kind

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Ken-Thank you for your post. Have been on Xarelto since August-originally 15 mg. 2x daily, now 20 mg. 1x daily, for clot in lower leg. Was hoping to be able to get off it altogether by now (clot seems to have "stabilized" according to doc) - and those litigation ads are scary! Unfortunately, however, I have since developed atrial fibrillation, so it looks as though I'm going to be on it for the foreseeable future. Knock on wood, I seem to be tolerating the drug pretty well. As far as the vitamins are concerned, doc says only to keep away from fish oil and vitamin E. Am currently taking, with doc's approval, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, co-enzyme q-10, b-complex, vitamin c, and lutein. I also eat lots of salads, and also dark green veggies like spinach and kale, but not huge amounts of these. Haven't eliminated anything else diet-wise. Don't know about the glucosamine or creatine that you mention, but since your doctor says ok, I would think they're safe - don't believe these have blood-thinning properties. I would definitely caution anyone taking this drug to be careful about taking any supplements/foods containing vitamin k without your doctor's explicit approval, however. Good luck!

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I was recently diagnosed with DVT in leg. Prescribed Xarelto 15mg 2x/day for 21 days then down to 20mg. I'm on my 5th day and not many issues so far (thank God). I'm concerned about my period that is due to start in a week. Also I'm very anemic and currently have kicked up my iron pills to try and counteract a heavy cycle when it comes. Can anyone tell me if they've had any problems with this since being on this med?

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One doctor ok'd Coq10, Vit D ok, fish oil. I'm still waiting to see my doc about that arginine. One doc didn't make any comment when I showed it to him, so must be ok. Glad to see you're doing well with your vitamins. I have been taking vitamins since the 1970's and have read many health books.

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I'm not sure why the dr. say no to the vitamins, maybe they think it will interfere with the meds they are giving us, or maybe they aren't that knowledgeable about them.
I will ask my chiro this week and post an ans., I've known her for 25yr and trust her.
Although she's only a chiro she has a lot of medical knowledge. She uses a lot of natural vitamins etc. in her practice. I want to see if if it's ok for me to continue with them.

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Hi Sharon & Linda,
My mom was diagnosed with DVT and had a blood clot in her pelvic region in September. She was given Xeralto15mg 2xdaily and then 20mg once a day. However she is anaemic. Did your anaemia get worse after taking xeralto?
Her haemoglobin is low and now the doc wants to do a blood transfusion? Also she is experiencing rapid heartbeat, fatigue and weakness which he says is related to the anaemia and not the dvt. Help!!

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Doing a blood transfusion is a temporary fix. I would be more concerned web why she is anemic? Is she bleeding somewhere? Does she have an illness that would make her anemic? The DVT/use of xarelto should have no effect on her anemia other than making her more at risk to bleed.
Eating high iron foods, vitamin c & hydration are more helpful than supplements. I would go that route for a few weeks first.

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You can take vitimins doctors only like u to take conventional meds.

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Forgive me, but I believe that with rivaroxiban (XARELTO) one is able to have the greens, and just about anything else (although we avoid blood-thinning or clot-forming supplements). On the other hand, the family of Vitamin K antagonists, warfarin (heparin, Coumadin = trade name) work by inhibiting the absorption of Vit K in the diet and as these levels have to be kept near constant, vegetables to be consumed have to be measured out daily and one's blood tested (I believe) monthly. XARELTO does not work that way, hence the ability for one to have some greens. (CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR). Good luck.

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Hi, I understand that your doctor won't address your taking vitamins/supplements with XARELTO. We are addressing this issue, ourselves. My husband (has clot; is on Xarelto) has permission from his doctor to take vitamins (such as C [500mg/d]; bioflavonoids [1000mg/d]; D3 [1,200 IU/d]; CoQ10 [made also by our bodies, 100mg/d]; and a fibrin-consuming supplement taken while fasting for a short time each day called Fibrenza. Fibrin is something the body makes to form clots and this material is digested by this supplement before it can. He is taking the smallest dose possible in the beginning and working up to the full dose. All of these were approved by either of two MD /PhDs. Some of the above are given in divided doses (dose divided into two times per day.
Would like to say something about vitamin C and bioflavonoids (bioflavonoids are "accessory" parts of Vit. C.). We can't manufacture C in our bodies. But we need it TO BUILD THE STRENGTH AND INTEGRITY OF OUR BLOOD VESSELS, that is, veins and arteries. In the absence of C, the body seeks to build structural integrity out of CHOLESTEROL, and deposits it inside our arteries to "strengthen" them.
The capillaries (that run between veins and arteries) benefit greatly from bioflavonoids structurally. Capillaries are found in important places in the body like retinas (eyes), fingertips & toes, and the kidneys, which are full of them.
So I feel the benefits of C and bioflavonoids outweigh the risks, just don't exceed amounts given, and take in divided doses (2), not exceeding total daily amount. The blood thinning effect from C and bioflavonoids is very mild in these doses.
Good luck. I am not prescribing, just giving you the experience of our doctors' approving these vitamins and these amounts when I asked.

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Your posting is helpful (about grapefruit being harmful (on Xarelto), and extra folate in the prenatal vitamins (not containing Vitamin K) not being harmful (details are important, and--thank you.
Would like to add that (regarding cooked spinach containing more Vitamin K than raw), cooking spinach also solidifies or crystallizes its oxalic acid content, making it more liable to form kidney stones.
About another vegetable, cooking cabbage TRIPLES its Vitamin K content,
Good luck, and thanks for your comments.

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Re: Melyn (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I bought a multivitamin without vitamin k. Vitamin k helps clot blood, a little expensive, worth it tho'. Pharmacists recommend a children vitamin because it didnt have vitamin k

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Re: Claire (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Claire. I know this is an old post but just wondering how you’re doing? I’m on 20 m of xeralto 1x a day and have been taking my supplements. The only one I stopped taking is my fish oil because it has blood thinning properties. Really just wondering how you’re doing? Alfie

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I knew to stay away from fish oil but I didn’t know about vitamin E. Sheesh. Also I’ve been reading lots of conflicting views on vitamin K2, which I wanted to take.

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Re: CO Susie (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Susie I presume you are on Warfarin where you can't have green leafy with Xarelto you can eat all foods. I was on Wayfaring for 7 years before they put me on Xarelto. I got P. E's whilst on warfarin but this new medication has been brilliant. I am on blood thinners for life

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I need to know if I can take vitamin supplements while on Xarelto? I want to start taking my vitamin supplements again and I need to know if there will be a drug interaction with the Xarelto?

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Re: tara (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens pharmacist told me multiday vitamins including vitamin K are fine to take with Xarelto. Hoping this helps with my fatigue from Xarelto.

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Re: Ken (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ken Your story sounds familiar I was diagnosed with a DVT in my left leg in 2 places over 25yrs ago when I was 20 me like yourself was very active as a kid sports weightlifting etc also had a job that involved standing for hours pretty healthy the Dr's were mind boggled because of my age & family history so long story short lol I been on blood thinners since then & will be for the rest of my life!

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Re: tara (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I was also given the same information from my doctor I take the same vitamins and supplements
No restriction on green vegetables or any other food

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I take 50,000 units of Vit D once a week, Vit E when my count goes down, calcium and Vit C daily all by prescription from Dr while taking my Xarelto for 5 years and Coumadin for the previous 15 years No problems

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