Xarelto And Vitamins?
UpdatedWas prescribed Xarelto 15 mg 2x daily two weeks ago for blood clot in the leg. I would like to keep taking the viamins/ supplements that I always took before this - I.e., B complex, Vit. C 1000 mg, Calcium/Magnesium, Vit D 2000 IU, Co-enzyme Q 10 200 mg, Biosil and Lutein. My doc said "no", but didn't tell me why not. Can't find any info anywhere to determine abiut this. Xarelto manufacturer has no info on package insert. Pharmacist doesn't seem to know either. I have read on another website that apparently the maket did not test for interactions w. vitamins, so they don't know. Does anyone here have any futher info regarding this? I feel that I really need to be taking my vitamins!
Hello, Claire! How are you?
Some vitamins can cause blood thinning and other may cause more clotting, so it would be best to follow your doctor's advice and stay away from them.
Xarelto side effects may include nausea, backache, increased risk of bleeding and low energy.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Claire, Best to listen to Verwon and follow doctors orders. There is definitely an interaction between vitamins and blood thinners. It seems really strange to me, but the interaction can cause the blood to be thicker or thinner. Please do what your doctor says, I'm sure they explained how dangerous a blood clot can be, because it can move to your lungs, heart, brain. I feel for you because I am still fighting with a blood clot I developed in June, and am really tired of it. They had said that usually the body dissolves the clot within six months, and I feel like I'm being a slow poke. I had to give up my leafy green vegetables and I'm very unhappy about that.
Thank you - will stay w. what the doctor says!
Better follow your doctor's advice. And ask a vitamins that good for you.
according to my research it really cause blood thinner, and some cause.
Saw an ad on TV last night. Some attorney is doing a legal suit against the manufacturers of Xarelto. The ad says they have had some deaths. Maybe you should call your doctor as you are having side effects.
Actually (fingers and toes crossed), I fortunately don't seem to be having any side effects so far (3 weeks). Saw doc again last week - am now down to 20 mgs. once daily, instead of 15 mgs. 2x daily. Asked again about taking the vitamins, and the doctor now says okay. However, I've decided to forego taking vitamin C for now, as it apparently has some slight blood-thinning quality. Don't need anything further in that regard! Also have purchased a medical ID bracelet that has "Taking Xarelto" engraved on it. Might not help much in the event of an accident, but couldn't hurt either, I think.
Medical ID bracelet is a great idea. I think I should get one too. Glad the Xarelto is working better for you. I went Monday for appointment, in two months they are going to do tests, to see if they can determine what caused the blood clot and an ultrasound to be certain it's gone. If they determine that it was a freak thing, then I can go off the Warfarin. If the tests show that I most likely will get another clot, then I have to remain on the blood thinner.
I have just been diagnosed with dvt and have been put in rinaroxoban and i just wondered why you cant have green leafy vegetables ?
Hi, Lizzy! How are you?
It's due to the vitamin K that is in them. It can increase the clotting factor of your blood and basically work against the medication.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
I was told by my dr that I could eat whatever I wanted including salads. He said that,is the beauty of taking this med. He also said i could take all of my vitamins including vit e. I take fish oil, cq10, vit c, vit d, even a multivitamin with vit k. So I have taken them with no issues. There is no blood test for this medication and I feel fine on it just some residual pain from my pe.
Taking xarelto for clot- foot & leg swollen- on 20 mg daily- told me to have checked in 3 months. Foot is painful, red & swollen
Hi my dad has been dealing with a blood clot in his leg and was only put on Xarlteo at the er for two weeks and he is saying he has no energy and conplains of lower back hurting but he will be out of pills tomorrow shouldn't he be on a blood thinner longer for this and if so can we ask for a different kind
Hello Claire, i thought I would throw in my 2 cents. I was recently diagnosed with DVT 10 days ago throughout my entire left leg (calf, behind knee, hamstring). I am a 29 year old otherwise healthy male very active in weightlifting and various sports, so taking supplements and vitamins is part of my daily regime. Of course I conducted endless research, however got mixed viewpoints. Tthe generall consenus I got was because of the dietary restrictions associated with the traditional warfarin. Xeralto claims there are no dietary restrictions, however given the fact of warfarins history ( ie. vitamin K and warfarin), then assumptions can be made to assume the same for Xeralto.
Fortuntely I asked my trusted family doctor and pharmacist. They both stated there were no dietary restrictions. Currently I am taking the following: Trader Joes multivitamins, Glucosamine Sulfate, and soon o be creatine HCl once I can train again. I choose to eat healthy and always will (spinach is part of my daily diet)
Hope your doing well. Curious how your progress has been?
Ken-Thank you for your post. Have been on Xarelto since August-originally 15 mg. 2x daily, now 20 mg. 1x daily, for clot in lower leg. Was hoping to be able to get off it altogether by now (clot seems to have "stabilized" according to doc) - and those litigation ads are scary! Unfortunately, however, I have since developed atrial fibrillation, so it looks as though I'm going to be on it for the foreseeable future. Knock on wood, I seem to be tolerating the drug pretty well. As far as the vitamins are concerned, doc says only to keep away from fish oil and vitamin E. Am currently taking, with doc's approval, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, co-enzyme q-10, b-complex, vitamin c, and lutein. I also eat lots of salads, and also dark green veggies like spinach and kale, but not huge amounts of these. Haven't eliminated anything else diet-wise. Don't know about the glucosamine or creatine that you mention, but since your doctor says ok, I would think they're safe - don't believe these have blood-thinning properties. I would definitely caution anyone taking this drug to be careful about taking any supplements/foods containing vitamin k without your doctor's explicit approval, however. Good luck!
I was recently diagnosed with DVT in leg. Prescribed Xarelto 15mg 2x/day for 21 days then down to 20mg. I'm on my 5th day and not many issues so far (thank God). I'm concerned about my period that is due to start in a week. Also I'm very anemic and currently have kicked up my iron pills to try and counteract a heavy cycle when it comes. Can anyone tell me if they've had any problems with this since being on this med?
Hi Sharon! Very sad to hear about your experience.
I too have been on Xeralto since last year March and just like you I have also been anemic. In January this year they diagnosed me with DVT.... and that is when I decided I must take strong legal action against these cheats.
My cousin then suggested me to his personal legal counselor who was very kind to help me find the right attorneys and I was lucky that I got compensated.
I would be more than happy to provide you with their number if you wish to talk. You must claim your rights.
Hi claire,
I have been on xarelto since January due to a pulminary embolism. I can take all of my vitamins which include vit d, vit e, a multi vitamin, fish oil, cq10 calcium and mag, and a few others on and off. You just have to watch taking herbs. Those usually have drug interactions. There is a blood diagnostic for xarelto, however you have to see a hemotologist if you want the evaluation. most Dr's just say no there is not a diagnostic which is crap. Also xarelto does not alter vit k like warfrin and cumidin.
Tara -Please ensure that your doctor expressly tells you that it is ok for you to be taking fish oil and vitamin E with this drug. My doctor specifically warned me to keep away from these, as they have blood thinning properties. I am also not allowed to take anything other than Tylenol for pain (such as aspirin or Advil) for the same reason.
Oh yes claire, he said it was ok to take them. He said my colesterol was borderline and told me to take them twice a day. Haven't had any issues. My only issue I have had on xarelto is bloating, there are times where my stomach gets so big I feel 9 months pregnant and it's hard to breath lol. I only have to be on it till June so hopefully I can stay off since they have no idea why I had my PE. :)
One doctor ok'd Coq10, Vit D ok, fish oil. I'm still waiting to see my doc about that arginine. One doc didn't make any comment when I showed it to him, so must be ok. Glad to see you're doing well with your vitamins. I have been taking vitamins since the 1970's and have read many health books.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: tara (# 10)
Surprised your Dr said all vitamins are okay since my pulminologist said no Vit E or Fish Oil/Omega 3's including multi-vitamins which contain them. Also recently read about avoiding grapefruit (https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-156265-1153/xarelto-oral/rivaroxaban-oral/details/list-interaction-details/dmid-137/dmtitle-avoid-grapefruit-unless-md-instructs-otherwise/intrtype-food).
Re: tara (# 10)
Tara - Your Dr Sounds Like My Kind of Physician! I've been wanting to take Vitamin C along with the Xarelto, and everybody's too scared to tell me it's OK, even though it would probably dissolve the residual DVTs in my legs. You probably wouldn't want to share his contact info with me, would you?
If anyone can show me any actual medical evidence or study that says vitamin E or K should not be taken with Xarelto I'd like to see it.
Re: Lizzy B (# 8)
You can just in moderation it's because they have a high amount of vitamin k and can cause more clotting
Re: Claire (# 6)
Hi you have to find a multivitamin that DOES not have K in it
I take 50,000 units of Vit D once a week, Vit E when my count goes down, calcium and Vit C daily all by prescription from Dr while taking my Xarelto for 5 years and Coumadin for the previous 15 years No problems
Re: tara (# 10)
I was also given the same information from my doctor I take the same vitamins and supplements
No restriction on green vegetables or any other food
Re: Claire (# 14)
You have been mislead, you should not be taking certain Vitamin B supplements especially Niacin and Inositol that are part of the B family. Google these two with Xarelto and it says not to take them if you are on Xarelto.
Re: Ken (# 13)
Hi Ken Your story sounds familiar I was diagnosed with a DVT in my left leg in 2 places over 25yrs ago when I was 20 me like yourself was very active as a kid sports weightlifting etc also had a job that involved standing for hours pretty healthy the Dr's were mind boggled because of my age & family history so long story short lol I been on blood thinners since then & will be for the rest of my life!
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