Xanax Pharmacies That Carry Dava Brand


Does anyone know of a pharmacy that carries the green 2mg Xanax bars marked S 90 3 made by Dava Pharmaceutical?

7 Replies

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This Dava medication is carried at thousands of authorized locations. It is inexpensive and really works well. Sure I don't like how its scored but if that's my biggest complaint...

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Hello Stephanie,

Each pharmacy will carry different brands and generics regardless of their parent company. This is because each individual pharmacy will have different prices offered to them due to shipping, availability, taxes etc. Pharmacies are ultimately businesses and they are going to do everything in their power to maximize profits.

In addition to this, pharmacies do not generally give out information on the prescription medication that they stock over the phone or to people who do not have a prescription for that medication. The reason for this is to prevent potential thieves from targeting them for brands that sell better on the streets. A good place to start is to ask your primary care doctor if they know of any pharmacies that carry your brand as other patients may have also encountered this problem. If that doesn't work you may be stuck with going into each location with your prescription and asking them what brands/generics they carry at their location.

I hope you find a location near you that sells the Dava brand. Best of luck and happy holidays.

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Re: Kevin (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am my final bottle of bars and its the S 90 3 bars. Sadly soon I will only have Mylan 1 mg, so many bottles of Mylan

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Not an answer..I think he wants like the cvs at that intersection or something like that

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I heard they were recalled. I'm not quite sure though.

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What pharmacy carries Dava 2 mg Xanax?

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Re: Boston (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you located? You may need to call all your surrounding pharmacies to see which version they carry. Or you could also try contacting the manufacturer to ask them which pharmacies stock their product. Note that they are now part of ENDO pharmaceuticals (they reportedly bought Dava back in 2014).

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