Xanax Mylan A4 Vs Bars (Top voted first)
UpdatedOk so I'm prescribed 4 bars a day.. I've only heard s*** about the mylan pies a4 2mg...just got them... What's anyones experienced opinion?...I mean i feel fine, just took a cpl... Why do most people hate them?
Why take 4? But I want to know are the round one's the same ?
Man, I am perscribed 4mg a day. These round Mylan Alprozolam work better than the yellow bars, and I actually got a buzz from these. Normally I feel nothing. I sublingual my pills too. If you want to see how strong a pill is, just taste,
and see how bitter the pill is.
To NickHandle, I completely agree with you. I'm prescribed 8 mg of xanax a day. I've ran out a few times the last few months and have been taking a lot of counterfeit ones lately besides the circular mylan A4's that I just got today. They knocked me out today, I guess because my body hasn't had a real bar in a minute, but I got no complaints with the circular white mylan A4's. I've been on xanax since 2008. So I've had every brand out there and I can easily tell you what's counterfeit or not by just tasting them.
Finally someone speaking truth about mylan! Mylan circles and yellows are my fave, then green.
Re: Nickhandle (# 3)
So bitter is good.. Or not? Just wondering if the peach football's ok? But I got the white round ones with a cross in it. Are those good ones or not?
It's definitely in your head bro. Yes generics do have that 20% window but all generics do and 99% of the people do not get the name brand Xanax. The mylan pies are the same thing as all the other generic ones: The G, the Double G's, the yellows, the green ones, the xanax with the 2 on the back, are all the name brand and I don't think they're any better than the single G. I've taken them all at different times. You can get used to one and then it actually benefits you to try a different kind cuz it can feel a little bit different as you build tolerances so fast for benzos anyway. So it's kind of good to switch them up if you can. But no way someone that's prescribed two bars a day and takes four of them mylan pies which is 8 mg instead of his normal is jumping out of his skin and feeling sick. You just took twice your normal dose, so even if let's say they are .8 as strong as the ones that you get you would still be taking an extra 1.2 mgs. But you are actually taking 4 milligrams more. It's just that you saw something that didn't look like you normally got and you psyched yourself out before you ever even took it. Cuz I've been going through benzo withdrawal and actually I'm taking the mylan's right now and it's the first time I've had them in years and maybe I would agree that they're not quite as good although I think they constantly change. It's still pretty damn close and you can't say that 8 mg of them is so much worse then your 4 milligrams of whatever you'r generic is. It's not possible.
Re: Ranger04 (# 8)
how do they taste? like splenda, slightly bitter and dissolve quickly?? All other stas on 0.0mine match up to the manufacturers 411 (mine weigh 0.007 oz?)
Re: Erica (# 13)
The good ones taste bad, and the bad ones taste good!
By the way those taking large doses will have to deal with Mr. Withdrawal at some point
There is Nothing wrong with the pies as they call em here... Work gr8 , I'm my opinion is let's say it's a mental thing cuz it's not like a shape of a bar, they assume that they won't work out 4 them an the same nature. But I don't think that there is any difference whatsoever a Xanax and Xanax the generic work just as well that's pretty much all I have to say on the topic thanks
The Milan A4 2mg Xanax are the same as every other one. People that put them down it's all in their head. I'm also one of those people, I think the pies are garbage, compared to the green S 90 3. I also get 4 2mg bar a day, and I would not go anywhere a pharmacy gives out the pies. Normally rite aid is the place that gives them out0
Re: Joseph (# 35)
First people are not "dieing", please use a spell checker before posting. You are absolutely wrong that generics can't be + or - 20% strength
How due you get 4 xanax a day when my doctor is telling me the federal government is making him stop writing ! And I need them bad I been on them for over 25 years , the keep me calm and I can sleep ! I only get 1/2 of mg the little peach ones !
If the bars or pies taste horrible they are good, but if there is no taste to them it's not good. Also get a sprite or 7up drop one in and it should go to the bottom and build so much pressure in. It that it explodes when you take off the top
I got a prescription for some Mylan A4 and you can taste the alprazolam in them but I'm not getting much relief from them. Has anyone else taken these before?
It's just like any other 2mg Xanax instant release. Don't let people tell you dumb s*** saying otherwise. Generic or not, if it's 2 mg of alprazolam it's 2mg. People who buy bars on the street have bad experiences with certain bars cuz they're bootlegged like the green ones that are slightly darker and don't have the ridge around em. Or the thicker white ones. That's why you should get them from a doc. The only time release xanax I've had was the 3mg pyramid.
Re: Sb (# 23)
Great, just what we needed, the Xanax Man is in the House
Re: EDDY (# 29)
Then you have never been through the nightmares relating to the difference between a General Practitioner and a Psychiatrist consultation costs. Nor before any signatures appear. Let alone this MAGICAL legal form that grants you MR. LEGITTY service and product! You in a dream bro?
Re: Rob (# 31)
I don't understand? You will never find me saying you must go to a Psychiatrist for these meds although it can't hurt if you have the cash. My Doctor costs me $25, a Psychiatrist wants $500
Re: Joseph (# 35)
The generic manufacturers are not copying the patented formula. That would mean they are an identical match, a duplicate, which they are not!
If they were a copy of the name brand, they would all have the same ingredients! (they don't.)
Re: Cricket (# 6)
Yeah i suffer from severe panic attacks multiple times a day and i cant even get a script period hence leaving me to spend money on the streets just so I can be normal and wake up and not be scared of being scared i don't think 90% of the ppl that get them actually appreciate what they have and so many ppl have ruined it for ppl like me to where it would change my life
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