Xanax Football (Top voted first)


I bought xanax and received dark blue footballs, chalky white inside. I've seen on this site that people assume that a stamped Xanax guarantees Xanax but that is not true! Anyone can buy a stamp that says anything they want it to. Anyway, has anyone else bought dark blue xanax with white inside. The stamp, which may or may not be legitimate says Xanax 1.0 with only a middle score on the other side. They came from Hong Kong in tiny baggies. I am concerned because I've received dark blue football tablets from Hong Kong before which had no medication in them, but they were blank dark blue tablets.

4 Replies

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Well, that is one of the hazards of ordering a non-FDA approved medication from a foreign country. They are not regulated like those in the U.S. and you have no way of knowing what you are actually going to receive.

The actual name brand, blue, 1mg Xanax is not a coated tablet, so it would also be blue inside. Thus, what you received may not contain Alprazolam, at all. The only way to find out for sure would be to pay to have it lab tested.


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Has anyone else ordered these tablets?

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Do you know if pinix 1 mg. Alprazolam by adamjee in pakistan is a pinkish mauve color on outside and white in middle with a very strong acidic taste???

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I have a blue football shaped pill that looks like a Xanax but the markings are scratched. Could this be anything else?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If it doesn't come from a US pharmacy, don't take it. There is no Xanax generic that fits that description. If it says Xanax and it is not made by Up John it's not real! Danger!

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