XPect-AT Forums

Recently active XPect-AT forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about XPect-AT and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Xpect-at is a very good drug for relieving congestion without increasing blood pressure as do may decongestants. I have difficulty finding this drug due to manufacterer back order at the mail order pharmacy (Caremark). When it is available at a local pharmacy, I am only able to get a 30 day supply. Is there anything I can do to obtain this drug through Caremark pharmacy so that my cost are lowered? ## I am not sure about that, have you tried contacting the manufacturer? The limited availability might just be a temporary thing that they are working on resolving. If their demand for this was previously low, and then suddenly went up due to more popularity of us, they might be having some production issues that they are working on to resolve the problem. In additon, there are now some OTC ...

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