X112 Liquid Diet Drops (Page 8) (Top voted first)


Appetite suppressant for weight loss.

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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We use to have something very simular state side.
In a pill form. They were called Black Beauties 614's

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Yes, I too was in Germany, Berlin for 5 years,(1978-1980) and (1984- 1987). I used it too and it worked well for me! Indeed I need to purchase some if anyone knows where I can!!!

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could you tell me the web site I have not found anything that matches x 112 when I was in Germany Sttutgart I lost so much weight now I am older I would just like to take it to loose my extra pounds I think as long as you dont get carried away with it, it should be safe,

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thanks the write up was helpfull and I know what I need to search now.


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In 77-78 in Wildflecken, West Germany we called it Liquid Speed. 180 drops in a glass of 7up would keep you up for a few days. When you walked into a German Apothecary and was an American GI they knew what you wanted. You didn't need a prescription and you would even ask them when they handed it to you if it was Liquid Speed. $20 a bottle. I seen a few people get in trouble with it by using it to often. It would attack your nervous system if it was used to often.

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did you ever take the x112 and how did tht go....I am looking and been looking......

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please can i contact you if at all possible, as i would like to find a way to get this but dont know how.

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Yes, you could buy it over the counter. My first tour was from '79 to '82, and at that time, it was OTC, however it changed to prescription only while I was there.

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I also was stationed in Germany years ago and I would like to find a way to purchase x112. is it possible?

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I was stationed on Grossauheim Kaserne (8th Mt Bn)

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Here is the reply about X112 from Humboldt-Apotheke in Wiesbaden:

das von Ihnen angefragte Produkt zum Abnehmen unter dem Namen X 112 gibt es schon seit April 2011 nicht mehr. Ein vergleichbarer Ersatz wäre Alvalin. Dieses Präparat ist genau wie der Vorgänger verschreibungspflichtig und kostet 25,37€.

Ich hoffe, wir konnten Ihnen mit der Information weiterhelfen.

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hi yes I am another successful patron for the x112 please these weight doctors that's charging a arm and a leg for these pills get a hold of this product I promise u will never deal with the pills ever again x112 is the best please please get it.

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I am military vet.I used x112 in Germany I need that stamina once again none stop... Made me a great drummer gives you the edge on working out...

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Would u be able to post ......If i gave u my email address perhaps we can discuss it further.look forward to your reply. Jessis

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I repeat, it's no longer called X112, but Alvalin since April 2011, by prescription only, and for 25.37 Euros. See my post 143. You probably will have to physically go to Germany, due probably to import restrictions.

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I'm excited for you! Good luck with meeting your goals! So, basically you are really saying that if your not in Germany and do not have a prescription your not getting the opportunity to use this product...

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X112 was taken off the market due to a bunch of American service members abused it. Several cases of death due to intra-venous injections caused it to be pulled off of the market.

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Where do you get it from.

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Can anyone tell me if alealin is in tablet form.and can it be sent though the post ?

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