Would Taking 36 Tramadol 50mg Kill Me (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I was wondering what would taking 36 tramadol do to me?

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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I want a quick way to die dont want to suffer took overdose on frida of wizz nd bubble narproxen nd blood pressure tablets but stiol ere was think7n of 100 tramadol 50mg tablets nd just goin to sleep

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Please try and seek help, I gave up last December. I took 100 tramadol, my 17 year old daughter found me fitting on the floor. This has scared her for life. If she never found me I would of died. I built up a strong resistance to opiotes as I was take oramorph and I also had butrans patches. This may of helped me survive, I have no lasting side affects and I being treated for depression, which is helping no end. Please find help and talk as not only can it wreck you it will wreck everyone that cares for you. Seeing the pain I caused to my family especially my daughter is heart breaking. Shout help!

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just because you get old and creaky does not mean you are useless to society and does not mean you are forgotten either. it just means old minds play tricks on us lol. at my age i know these things. you have an intrinsic value as all the knowledge you have collected in your life is there to be given to anyone that wants it and god never gives up on anyone. sometimes the light gets dim but it never actually goes out. you know there are lots of elderly people out here in exactly the same position as you. find clubs to join. make friends. get out and about as best you can. life is there to be lived and enjoyed to the very end. please dont just give up even though sometimes it seems the best and possibly only option available. i know i have been there many times but sometimes i see the light and make hay while the lights are on as it were. just remember if all around are ignoring you make a pest of yourself and make them hear you lol i do. take care luv n stuff

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Thats rubbish. You obviously have never felt this way or even come close and dont understand how other people actually feel so you cant comment, sorry

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You're right. I wont post. l dont want help or reasoning. I want a quick end. I have 60 x 50mg but not enough. If you want it to end the last thing you give a f*** about is anyone else. If you still care about anyone then its not the end you seek. To end it means you have done everything you have to stay on this planet, its a huge conversation you have in your head, its not being selfish it's the fact there is nothing on this planet that we want or can help us out how we want it to. Too complicated to explain. If l could do anything it would be to spend the last hours or days with someone before they ended their life so l could be there for them to make sure no one saved them and they went as peaceful as possible. Then when l have found the best way l can copy it.

I feel sorry for those who have failed at their attempts, this world is mad, to be alive and to live daily in silence in pain is torture, no one understands, im not talking to any stranger about my issues, ive seen a psychiatrist and said l have far too many problems they can help/deal with. I wish l could swop my life for someone dying who wanted to live. Someone who didnt deserve to die. I would so do that if possible.

Anyone wanting to end it but not alone l can be there. Not to assist but to be with you if you didnt want to do it alone. In the end though, you just dont care.

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Yo man i had a mad night few nights ago. Had like 20x50g tromadol. Thought id f***ed it i s*** myself. I just stayed awake as long as i could so i knew i wouldnt choke n wen i went bed i had my head over the bed faced down. I knew a guy who accidently had too many sleepers and choked on his vomit in his sleep. Still feeling pretty s*** if im honest but am sure ill be fine. My advice stick to beer

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Iv bn thro so much.i cant even b arsed t talk about it al.my partners in prison n is due out in feb n im holdin on 4 him bt now probationsay hes got t go t a hostel wen he gets out.iv slowlz fel apart n i just nd him home.i do simply just want t die.iv literaly ad enuf.iv got thro n deal with my probs but some1 is out t make me this unhapy n giv me so much s***.i av alot of probs but im so desperate t die now but im 2 thick t know how.thats the only reason im on here

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Aww you poor sweet girl....I was where,you once was ....it's very hard...and I really hope you get the support ...soon ....god bless you xxx

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I really wish you all well. Regardless of what country you are in there are crisis and suicide prevention hotlines available free of charge. Please consider this. You need not be alone in your struggles:

List of Suicide Crisis Lines

Wishing you all well.

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you are so right, it just happens it is never planned !!!!! good girl for telling it like it is

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I wanted to end my life last night and still do. 400 paracetamol 160 ibuprofen 60 tramadol and similar amount of zolpidem. I know with the paracetamol and ibuprofen that it wouldn't be the quick end I want. But there's nothing left for me. Can't get out of bed been stuck 2 days trying to persuade myself but my head won't allow it. I've tried before to kill myself and I've got a support network through mental health but my heads made up so feel there's little point contacting them as there's nothing worth saving

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Nicola want to talk?

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Nothing has changed since my last post. in fact,its worse. i've got phsycology and i can talk to people but i cant get out what i mean and for them to understand, im totally on my own. i realy want to end it now. ive given it so many chances and i really haven't got the energy anymore. people i leave behind, yes they may love me and maybe miss me, but trust me, im doing them a huge favour. i get 42 dihydrocodeine tonight and i have about 20 saved and i have maybe 10 or 15 of gabapentin and then 16 migraleve n 32 paracetamol. i hope this does the job. i have 7 zopiclone n 20 diazepam too. will it work? please say it will. if i had 1 wish, thats what it would be. i really cant carry on anymore. i never have a happy day or even a happy moment. nothing. life is horrible and i hate it. i hope my plan works. roll on tonight when my prescription arrives.

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Hi my name is andrew i know where you are coming from with this i have been and sometimes re visit the same dark place that you describe and i agree when it comes over you like like a wave there is little you can do to stop it but there is light at the other end of this tunnel personally i have attempted suicide seven times and well obviously they all failed but believe me i have suffered the consequences of my folly. health wise the tablets you have stated may end it all but it will not be quick easy or painless. believe me the dihydrocodeine will simply give you the mother of all constipation and tummy ache the tramadol. hey i took 60 at 7.5 mg and i felt pretty damn awful for a couple of weeks. that was all the paracetamol will do it but slowly and very painfully as for the rest not really. what you really need is a doctor to change the amount of anti depressants and quantity you are on and im sure you will see the light and it will and feel seem much better. i am now in control with new more powerful anti depressants. i hope this helps to seek help rather than doing the same silly things i once did. i live in west london. i may well understand you better than a psychologist. i do have a little bit of knowledge on the subject. if you want to talk privately let me know via this web site ok. lots of hugs. Andrew

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Unlike u, I have outlived u usefulness to society - I've committed tha Cardinal sin of getting old and neon the invisible old useless person in society - I feel God has washed his hands and the only thing I'm in control of is going to sleep forever - it's a terribly place to be to be not wanted by this world any more but there we go

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I sometimes wonder if some of the people claiming to have taken so many are living in a fantasy world.
I was suicidal when the first and only girl I'd ever truly loved broke my heart after a 3 year relationship. This was a dozen years ago now and back then I was prescribed something called dothiepin. I drank a hell of a lot and cut my wrists too but somehow came through the other side.
10 years later and I've been severely depressed for about 2 years now to the point I constantly feel exhausted but still can't sleep properly, madness I know.
Anyway to go back to your Tramadol question. I took around 12 50mg tablets before going to bed in the hope I would pass away in my sleep. I had more (tablets) but my insides started to make a gargling noise so I chickened out. I felt like I had a hangover for the next couple of days.
I can't even seem to cut my wrists deep enough. I close my eyes and draw the blade as quick and hard as possible but still can't seem to push it deep enough. I feel so worthless, and so very alone. The only time I 'escape' is when I'm gambling but I recently lost everything financially to the roulette tables... again.
I've also tried prozac etc. all that crap did was give me a rash and make me itch.
Perhaps someone will be kind enough to speed through a red light and run me over on the way home from work later. Yes I'm tempting fate, trying to at least. :/

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I went to a group today for borderline personality disorder.im just tring to stay calm and get through each day and dont dwell on things that have happened(even though its very hard to do) and go to the doctors to get my anti-depressants changed.arrh,bless you for showing your concern,it means alot to know that someone cares.how are you doing?i hope everythings going ok for you too.im here for you also,if you need me for anything?thank you again.

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this is not the case it isnt a very slow painfully death because that amount of tramadol hydrochloride would put you into a coma and you would not beable to feel a thing and after falling into a coma it would not take long untill you when in to cardiac arrest

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every single suicidal is treated extremely serious, I am a complex care nurse for paediatric and adults and it is safe to say every mental illness is treated with compassion and seriousness, also taking high amounts of tramadol will not give you a painful death it will put you into a coma and shortly die, but will take a high amount of tablet which wouldn't be given to you as gp and nurses will be asking what they are for and will be taken serious thought, we all would seriously think how long will be before you go into cardiac arrest and would have your life and best interest of he patient as number one priority, if you are having problems thinking suicidal thoughts or suffering from mental illness please speak to someone, their are many proffessionals out there who would be willing to help in any case, x

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